28| 𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞

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the riverlands, westeros

— EVERYONE ELSE HAD GONE, BUT MARIANNA STILL SAT IN ROBB'S TENT, THE BOTH OF THEM SILENT. He was clearly deep in thought, his entire form tense, and she wanted nothing more than to find something that would ease his mind. Soon enough, he beat her to it.

"I don't want to lose anyone else." His voice was quiet, hushed by whatever thoughts tormented him. "Sansa and Arya are hostages, now Bran and Rickon. Jon has flown beyond the reach of any of us and the only other man I could consider my brother has betrayed me. My father... Ser Rodrick..."

"The boys are not lost." she tried to assure him. "Nor are your sisters. My mother knows they are more valuable alive and unharmed and I'm sure Theon knows the same."

"I was sure about Theon... and then I lost Winterfell."

"We'll get it back." She told him firmly.

In an instant he'd risen to his feet only to come down to one knee before where Marianna sat, his hands cupping her face and a sort of urgency in his eyes, as if he feared she might dissolve from his hold. "I don't want to lose anyone else." he repeated. "And I can't... I can't lose you."

"Robb..." she whispered, her hands outstretching to lace gently through his curls. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

"And yet everyone wants to take you away." he shook his head. "The Lannisters want you back and my men wouldn't hesitate if your grandfather came knocking. Most of them think I should be marrying the Frey girl anyway. There's only one thing left I can do... to show them we belong beside one another. Something I should have done some time ago now." She sucked in a breath as the meaning of his words set in. "If you would still have me?" The hope in his voice was almost fragile, and it made her hold on him tighten as she leaned downwards to slot her lips against his.

If that wasn't assurance enough, her smile was all he could ever need. "I will. "

Under the night sky, the tree branches swayed. Marianna held a lantern in one hand, walking side by side with Robb through the darkness. The dirt shifted underfoot as they followed the path they had before, through the woods to the smallest of clearings directly before a tree with bark white like ash and leaves redder than sunset. Standing before the Weirwood, Marianna set the lamp down amongst its roots that sprawled above the ground. Traditionally, the father of the groom would officiate, the father of the bride leading her down through rows of guests with many lanterns. But there was no one but them and a singular flame in the darkness. So the wind rustled the red leaves and some forest creatures made music nearby and the King in the North and the Princess of the South remained quiet as they turned to face one another, joining hands, their vows spoken through the depths of their eyes rather than their mouths. Robb's right hand reached up to trace through Marianna's hair and gently down her cheek before reaching for the clasp of her cloak. He tugged it free, and the fabric fell from her shoulders, pooling around her feet. The cool of the night cut through the fabric of her dress easily, and she couldn't be sure if her small shiver was from the chill, or from elation. He reached up to undo his own cloak, but rather than letting it fall, he brought it between them. For a moment, he looked down at it. It wasn't a traditional wedding cloak. It didn't have exquisite embroideries or silk lining. But it was all that it needed to be. It was true to him, to his nature, to his family and house. He glanced up at Marianna, waiting for her permission, and when she offered him a nod in return, he stepped forward to drape the wolf's fur cloak around her shoulders, securing it over her collar.

For a second, neither of them moved, and then Marianna's hands found their way back to Robb, tugging him closer – his arms, his shoulders, his hair – pulling him against her and into a kiss. He was ready this time, even as she managed to knock the breath out of him again, leave him seeing stars, he wound his arms around her, holding her against him, with no intention of letting go.

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