14| 𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞

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winterfell, westeros

— MARIANNA WAS SITTING ON HER BED, STITCHING UP A TEAR IN HER SKIRT FROM THEIR LITTLE INCIDENT IN THE WOODS WHEN SHE HEARD THE KNOCK ON HER DOOR. When she opened it, she found a young handmaiden no older than she was on the other side who gave a deep curtsey. "Princess." Marianna nodded, and the girl rose. "Lord Stark has requested your presence in the Great Hall urgently."

Marianna smiled softly. "Thank you... what is your name?"

The girl looked surprised for a second before composing herself again. "Elena, if it please your highness." her eyes flickered to the dress on the princess' bed. "I don't mean to be so bold as to presume, princess, but if you should need anything mended, the service of Winterfell is yours."

"No thank you, that's alright." she assured her. "I prefer to work my own needles." she stepped out of her room, shutting the door gently behind her before smiling at the girl. "Walk with me, Elena."

Genuine shock came onto her face this time. "Oh, princess, I would only be a bother to you, I'm sure-"

"Nonsense." Marianna started walking, and Elena hesitantly followed along, the only other choice being direct disobedience. "Tell me about the North. Of course, Lord Stark and Lady Lyanna have told me much about it already, but I'm sure their experiences differ from others." She'd spent much time in the orphanages of King's Landing, when she could manage getting out of the Red Keep without her mother sending the entire Lannister army to keep her safe, and it was startling how differently these children thought about a home that they shared. She'd learned about privilege, then, and realised that to be a good ruler of any corner of the land, she would need to know not only its lords and ladies and generals, but its people. Normal people with normal jobs and simple lives.

"I suppose it is different to the South, my princess." Elena says softly. "The North is quite traditional, you see, though it is also more wild. Some people can't survive it, but for most of us, it's in our blood. House Stark has always been good to us, and Lord Eddard has never failed to do what is good and right. Even so, if it's not too bold princess, I do believe you will bring with you the best of the south. You fit in differently than the others, but you do seem to be fitting in quite well."

Marianna smiled. "Too bold to let me know that those I intend to rule are happy with me? Nonsense. I appreciate honesty, be it good or bad." Not two minutes later, they arrived just outside the Great Hall. "Thank you for walking with me, Elena. I've enjoyed your company."

The girl offered a genuinely happy-looking smile. "The pleasure has been all mine princess. I must be excused now to go to the kitchens."

Marianna nodded. "Please." Once Elena had gone, she entered the Hall, shutting the door behind her. Before her sat Robb, Lyanna and Maester Luwin. None of them looked to be in good spirits and Marianna's brow furrowed as she approached. "What's the matter? Has something happened."

Robb sighed heavily, shaking his head. "I'm so sorry, Marianna. A raven came, from your mother..." she nodded. She'd given them explicit permission to read her mother's letters, should they come ever since learning that her family was more than likely responsible for what had happened to Bran, and other crimes that grew more numerous as time passed.

Lyanna pushed the scrap of paper across the table towards her friend, looking sombre. Marianna picks it up, uncertain of whether or not she truly wants to read the contents.

My sweet Marianna,

I don't know how to inform you of this tragedy from such a distance with only parchment and ink, so as you read, please know that I wish I could be there with you as you learn of it. I wish I could come to you with my warmest embrace.

It is no secret that your father and I have never gotten on, that I do not love him, but he is your father all the same, and so it is truly heartbreaking for me to inform you that he has passed. After Lord Stark's honourless attack on your uncle Jamie, the king sought a good hunt to clear his mind, and was killed by the beast he hunted. I am so terribly sorry. I hope you will come home so that you do not have to grieve alone. Tommen and Myrcella also send their love and share in this grief. I love you so very much. We will see each other soon.


Marianna stood stiff for a long moment, her face unreadable. Then her hands began to shake. The scroll slipped from her fingers to land on the table and she sank to sit on one of the long benches across from the Stark siblings when her knees refused to hold her any longer. She didn't make a sound as tears pooled in her eyes, or even as they began to fall down her cheeks. "My father..."

"I'm sorry, Marie." Lyanna said softly. "I'm so sorry."

She felt Robb's fingers brush hers and squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself to take steadying breaths. It was when she'd calmed her racing heart that she could think straight again. "This isn't good."

"I know." He told her gently. "I can't imagine how hard this must be-"

"No." She shook her head, her eyes opening again to stare straight into his, the analytical stare surprising him coming from someone so fresh with grief. "It's bad for everyone. Joffrey is heir to the throne, but he is not fit to rule, nor smart enough to shake himself free of my mother's manipulations. She'll use him against your father and your family. She may have started already."

He looked back at her with reassuring determination. "Then we'll have to be ready."

Sure enough, two days later, they sat in the same room on the same bench with a different scroll from King's Landing, only this time Theon sat in with them. Marianna hadn't quite figured out what to make of him yet. He was arrogant and rude and problematic, but he was also Robb's friend, and quite a loyal friend at that.

It seemed Cersei had worked just as fast as Marianna thought she would. Ned Stark had been imprisoned. The ransom for his life was the loyalty of the North. "Treason?" Robb spat, disbelief scrawled across his features. "Sansa wrote this?"

"Your sister's hand, perhaps," Marianna told him. "But my mother's words, without a doubt."

Maester Luwin nodded. "The princess is correct. You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new king."

"Joffrey puts our father in chains, now he wants his ass kissed?" Lyanna glowered.

"That sounds right." Marianna muttered.

"This is a royal command, my lord." the Maester advised. "If you should refuse to obey-"

"I won't refuse. His Grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing. But not alone." he passed the scroll back. "Call the Banners." Lyanna's mouth quirked up at one side.

"All of them, my lord?"

"They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?"

"They have."

"Now we see what their words are worth." with only a wry smile and a nod, Maester Luwin turned and left with the letter. The room was quiet for a moment as Robb sat with the others.

"Are you afraid?" Theon asked.

He lifted his hands to the table to show the way they trembled. "I must be."

Marianna smiled softly. "Good."

He frowned at her. "How is that good?"

She reached across the table, taking his hands firmly, assuringly in hers. "It means you're not stupid."

He chuckled quietly. "I guess you're right."

She scrunched her nose teasingly. "That happens quite often, you know."

He smiled. "Believe me, I know."

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