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the riverlands, westeros

— MARIANNA WAS SITTING ON HER BED, WRITING A LETTER SHE COULDN'T SEND. Despite how terribly she missed her little sister, she knew that if she sent anything to King's Landing, it would go directly into her mother's hands. When that happened, they would address something to her, send the same Raven back, and follow it. Suddenly, the Lannisters would know all of Robb's movements; it would put everyone at risk. She had to believe that burning these letters would be worth it, that she would see Myrcella for herself sooner rather than late.

Her interruption came in the form of a voice at her tent's entrance; one of the two guards Robb had assigned her. "Princess Marianna?"

She lifted her head. "Yes?"

"His Grace, King Robb has come to see you."

She set aside the unfinished letter on her nightstand and got to her feet, quickly smoothing out her skirt. "Please, come."

The moment he set foot inside, she knew something was wrong. Maybe it was the shifting of his eyes or the pursing of his lips. Maybe it was the way he fiddled with the scroll in his hands. But she could tell, and she frowned slightly. "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

Slowly, he nodded. "In a way... some new information has come to light, courtesy of your uncle, Stannis Baratheon. I... perhaps it's best if you read it." He offered the scroll and she took it, brows furrowing slightly as it unrolled in her hands. She skimmed over the first bit that was mainly titles and courtesies, though there was mention of Lord Eddard Stark and a letter he had sent to Stannis. She scanned the rest more closely, though. And she would be glad she did, for she would soon find herself doubting her ability to read it a second time.

I declare upon the honour of my house that my brother, Robert, left but one trueborn heir, the Princess Marianna Baratheon. The boy, Joffrey, the boy, Tommen, and the girl, Myrcella, being born of incest between Cersei Lannister and her brother, Ser Jamie Lannister, the Kingslayer

By right of birth and blood, I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of Westeros. Let all true men declare their loyalty.

Signed, Stannis of House Baratheon, Lord of Dragonstone and rightful King of the Rhoynar, the Andals and the First Men, and Lord Protector of the Realm.

There was a long silence, even after Marianna had finished reading, her wide eyes staring at the page but not really seeing. She sank back down onto her bed, letting the page rest beside her as she tried to gather herself. "I know this must be a shock." Rob told her gently.

She pursed her lips, nodding. "My mother killed my father."

He frowned. "What?"

"She must have found out that your father had learned the truth. She killed my father so he wouldn't learn it too. She must think... she must think she can control Joffrey."

"Do you think she can?"

Slowly, she shook her head. "I don't believe anyone can reason with him. He is mad, much like the Targaryen children born of incest." she glanced up at him. "Will you side with Stannis? As your father did?"

He shook his head, looking as though he was trying to find the right words as he brought himself down to one knee before her. "Stannis wants the North as well as the South... but there is another heir I believe in more. She is the one I mean to sit upon the Iron Throne."

Her eyes widened. "Robb... I am no queen. I was not raised to rule."

"Yet you have the mind for it all the same. You possess both strength and fairness, and you're incredibly intelligent and strategic for someone who never received an education in warfare. North or South, you will be a queen, you know. Why not take both? Together, we could ensure peace."

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