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the twins, westeros

— "THE SCOUTS REPORT LORD TYWIN MOVES NORTH." Another war council, this time late in the night, candles burning and filling the tent with orange light. "We need to get him on broken ground, put his knights at a disadvantage." Many times during this journey, Robb and Marianna had sat alone together, under the stars or the rising sun. He'd tell her she didn't need to sit in on the councils if she didn't wish to. Her presence was not required if it made her uncomfortable. Each time she assured him that she did want to be there. She wanted to help.

"No, we need to get around him and break Jamie Lannister's siege of Riverrun." Lord Glover argued. "Do that, and the River Lords will join us."

"To do either, we need to cross the river," Robb said. "And the only crossing is at the Twins."

"Unfortunate that Lord Frey controls that bridge." Lyanna frowned, frowning at her mother. "Grandfather's bannerman."

Catelyn nodded. "The Late Lord Frey, my father calls him. At the trident, he didn't appear until the battle was done. Some men take their oaths more seriously than others."

"Robb's right." Theon said. "We need that bridge."

"And my grandfather knows it." Marianna added. "Whatever is to be done must be done with both clever planning and haste, before he can arrive to strike a deal with Lord Frey first."

"So what's it gonna be?" Lord Umber asks. "Do we move against Jamie or Lord Tywin?"

Before Robb can think of an answer, the tent flaps rustle, and two northmen enter, dragging a young man by the elbows. A knot twists itself so suddenly in Marianna's throat that she thinks she might choke on it, but before a single worry line can appear, she schools her features into perfect indifference. "Your pardon, my lords." One says. "We've captured a Lannister scout." Immediately, Theon flips half the map to hide their plans.

Lord Umber glances back at him. "Oh, don't worry, lad. He won't be leaving this tent with his head."

"Where did you find him?" Robb asks.

"In the brush above the encampment. He looked to be counting."

Slowly, Robb rounded the table to face the boy. Marianna rose to her feet to watch, her mask still carefully in place. "You're a Lannister, aren't you? A cousin perhaps?" Hesitantly, he nods. Robb turns to glance at Marianna, but she knows he will find nothing in her face. One of several advantages of growing up in King's Landing; you learn very quickly when it's time to shut it off and not let them know what you feel. She offers only a nod of confirmation before he turns his gaze back to the scout. "How high did you get?"

He blinked, looking between the Lords warily – his eyes lingering briefly on the princess – before replying. "Twenty thousand. Maybe more."

"You don't have to do this yourself." Rodrick speaks up. "Your father would understand if-"

"My father understands mercy, when there is room for it." Robb says, shooting him a firm look. "And he understands honour." He turns back to the boy. "And courage." he nods at the guards. "Let him go."

"Robb." Catelyn shoots to her feet, but falls silent under his warning look. She cannot question him. Not here. Not unless they want the start of a mutiny on their hands.

He steps closer to the scout. "Tell Lord Tywin Winter is coming for him. Twenty thousand Northerners marching south to find out if he really does shit gold."

He nods. "Yes, my lord. Thank you, my lord."

Robb gives another sharp nod and he's escorted back out. Most of the lords hold their piece quite well, but Lord Umber looks furious. "Are you touched, boy?!" He shouts, his face far too close to Robb's, as if he means to intimidate him. "Letting him go??"

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