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winterfell, westeros

— CERSEI'S HANDS GRIPPED MARIANNA'S TIGHTLY AS THE PAIR STOOD BEFORE THE ROYAL COACH. Marianna knew her mother didn't want to let go, and part of her didn't want to let go either. She'd miss not seeing her mother's face every day. And her father, and Tommen and Myrcella, and her uncles.

"I should take you with me." Cersei said quietly. "I should take you into that carriage with me and lock the door. Your father can't make you stay."

"Mother." Marianna's voice was an attempted assurance. "It'll be alright. I have a friend here now, and this alliance will be good for everyone. I'll visit, and so will you."

Before Cersei could reply, two small forms barrelled into the princess. "I'll miss you." Tommen mumbled, face half-buried in the ruffles of her dress.

"Me too." Myrcella pouted.

Marianna smiled, kneeling to pull them both into a hug. "I'll miss you too. But I'll be thinking of you, and you can always send a raven." they nodded, spirits lifted slightly before they stepped into the carriage.

"Well, I certainly won't miss you." Snarked a third voice.

Marianna turned, sighing when she found Joffrey atop his horse, but she decided to make one last attempt at kindness, or at least tolerance. "Goodbye Joffrey." He snorted, clopping away and she hid an eyeroll. Stuck-up little monster.

Her mother pulled her into a bone-crushing hug before she could think on it further. "Be careful, sweetling. Don't trust anyone, don't get married without sending for me and-"

"Mama." she laughed, pulling away. "I love you."

Cersei nodded. "I love you too." pursing her lips, she finally turned to step into the carriage, and Marianna took a step back, turning to face her father who stood a short distance away.

"You'll be alright." He told her kindly.

She nodded. "I know. I'm going to miss you."

He smiled. "As long as Vy is with you, I will be." She surprised him by practically jumping into a hug. "I'll miss you too, my girl."

When they finally did ride out, Lyanna came to her side, having said her goodbyes to her father and sisters too. She sighed. "Winterfell is going to feel so strange without them."

Marianna smiled, taking her friend's hand. "I'm going to feel strange here in Winterfell. Maybe we can work through the strangeness together."

Lyanna chuckled. "A fine proposal, Your Royal Highness."

Just then, a small figure came hurtling over, attached itself to Lyanna's leg and proceeded to cry. She blinked, evidently surprised. "Rickon? What's wrong?"

"Motherrrrr!" He wailed. "She won't come out and seeee meeeee."

"Oh dear." Marianna crouched down to the young boy's height, and he blinked at her with big teary eyes. "Come now," she said kindly. "Would you like to walk with us?"

Unfortunately, this continued on for the next two weeks. Lady Catelyn hardly ever left Bran's side unless she desperately needed to eat or sleep. Robb and Lyanna both appeared to be growing concerned.

One night, Marianna decided she would go to see Lady Stark herself, to see if she could be of any help. When she was just starting down the hall, she saw Robb leave the room, hurrying away in the opposite direction. Only a moment later, when he was out of sight, a hooded figure slipped inside. Her heart beat harder in her chest. It could be nothing. It could be the maester. But something told her otherwise. Had she been thinking straight, her mother's voice might have come to mind, telling her to run the other way, but alas, she crept swiftly forward until she could hear the man's voice from just outside the door.

"He's dead already." If that wasn't bad enough, the sound of a blade being unsheathed sent a chill richoting down her spine. Someone wants to kill Bran.

"No!" There was a sound like someone being struck, and a cry from Lady Catelyn, and that was what brought the princess from her frozen state.

She rushed in just as the assassin pulled the woman up by her hair, attempting to press a dagger to her throat. Catelyn's hands gripped the blade, preventing it from reaching anything vital as blood dripped from her palms down her wrists and forearms. Panicking, Marianna grabbed the first thing she could; a wooden chair. She lifted it high and brought it down hard on the man, splintering the wood and forcing him to release his hostage. She lifted the chair again, and this time it broke when it came down on him. His shout was a mixture of rage and pain and he stumbled half back upright, one foot planted, one knee still on the ground as he grabbed the princess by the throat and shoved her back into the side of the bed, knife raised. Fear seized her so hard she could have sworn she saw spots. I'm going to die. Then the familiar snarl of a direwolf met her ears and the man was driven to the ground, vicious teeth tearing into his throat. Marianna scrambled backwards a bit, squeezing her eyes shut and grasping at the blanket on the bed to shield her from the sight of the wound and the smell of the blood.

Bran's wolf, Summer, having finished her good work, climbed swiftly onto the bed and planted herself at the boy's feet. She made quite the protector. Only moments later, two pairs of feet could be heard running their way.

"Gods..." Lyanna's voice was the first one Marianna heard. She quickly moved to pull her friend away from the body and the blood beginning to soak the bottom of her dress, while the second person hurried to help Catelyn.

"What happened?" Robb. When Marianna looked up, she found him scanning the room with a fearful sort of anger, as if he were picturing what it might look like in here had Summer not come in time.

"He wanted to kill Bran." Catelyn said hoarsely.

Marianna nodded. "I... I was just on my way to see her when he came."

Lyanna shook her head. "We're not safe in our own home?" She looked to her mother. "Until we know what's going on, the Direwolves stay with us. I won't be fought on this. He could have killed all three of you."

Robb nodded. "Agreed."

— ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ —

Marianna wasn't sure what had happened that night, but she was sure it was more than just some random attack, especially when Lady Catelyn left Winterfell. She could only assume it was to inform Lord Stark of the event, which meant she believed a raven would be intercepted. That meant someone larger than a minor assassin had been a part of this. Lyanna didn't tell her much aside from the fact that it was imperative that her mother's departure remain a secret, and the princess didn't want to push.

Soon enough, Bran did awaken, though he'd lost the use of his legs, and had no recollection of his fall. Marianna would sometimes go with Lyanna to visit him, and soon enough, he was asking her about the south, the Red Keep and the brave knights of the Kingsguard. She even began telling him some of the stories her father told her about the Targaryen dynasty and their age of dragons, and the strange lands across the Narrow Sea. He seemed to especially like when she told him about the Dance of Dragons or the Great Empire of the Dawn and its terrible Bloodstone Emperor. She found quickly that the scary stories amused him the most. With each story she told, she felt less alone. She felt herself connect further with this new family, and she felt as though she'd brought a piece of home with her. 

I can't explain how excited I am for this story, guys. But unfortunately, exam week is over and second semester starts tomorrow, which means more school which means I'll be posting a bit less than I have been recently. Bear with me! <3

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