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winterfell, westeros

— "YOU MAY BE LORD OF WINTERFELL, BUT YOUR HEAD'S STILL THICK!" Lyanna snapped, slamming her bedroom door open.

"You can't come with me!" Robb insisted, following her. "I can't risk you like that! And besides, who will look after Bran?"

"Bran has many people to look after him. I am not a nursemaid!"

"Lyanna I am ordering you-"

"No, you're begging me." She said. "Because you know there's nothing you can truly do to stop me."

He sighed. "You're right. I am begging, because I need you-"

"Right next to you in the field."


"Please, just... even just at the table. I'm smarter than any of your dusty old lords, and you know it." That gave him pause. She didn't need to beg; she was right, he couldn't force her to stay. But she wanted him to approve. She wanted him to have faith in her.

He sighed. "If you're coming... if you're in the field... you have to stick to my side. Obey every command."

Her lips turned up at the edges. "My lord."

He scoffed. "Shut up."

"Oh, and also," she turns to her closet. "Marianna will come too."

"No." he replied immediately. "Absolutely not. She has no battle experience and she's too important."

"Exactly." she tossed a cloak onto the trunk at the end of her bed, turning to face her brother once more. "Robb, she's very important. Marie is our guest, soon to be family, but right now the Lannisters see her as a hostage. If they hear you've taken all your fighting men and left her here, they'll attack the castle. They'll attack Bran."

"They'll only be safe if she comes with us." he realised.

"Yes. You should tell her soon."

He blinked. "You don't want to be the one to tell her?"

She chuckled. "Maybe... but I think you should."


"You're going into the field??"

Testing out her armour, Lyanna twirled her sword before closing one eye and pointing the tip at Jay's head. "Mhm. Is there a problem with that?" a black coat with dark silver armour spiked across her shoulders, a direwolf etched into the breastplate. Below that was a pair of tight black trousers and boots that were reinforced but still light enough to run through the muck.

"No- I mean, you look great but... have you ever been in real combat before?"

She dropped the swordpoint and stared at him in disbelief. "You were there! With Robb and Jon! The brigands!"

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh gods... that's what you're going off of?"

"If my brother can lead an army with that much experience, then I can fight in his army with that much experience. He has infantry who've likely never held more than pitchforks, and I have more right than some of the great lords he's summoned."

"I know that." He nodded. "Just know that I'll be right there, watching your back with every step."

She smiled. "There's no one I'd rather have watching my back, Jay."

It was when Lyanna had finished readying her things for their journey that she went to check and see how Marianna was doing. A couple of days had passed since Robb told her she'd be joining them, but the girls hadn't talked about it much.

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