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sarnor, essos

— THE DOTHRAKI RODE ON ENDLESSLY. Despite her initial discomfort, Saerya marvelled at their tenacity. No matter what, they just kept on riding, through fields and sand and the small mountains littering the terrain. The sun would beat down on them for hours on end until it sank to the horizon and then the slight chill of the dusk would settle in, and still they'd go on until the Khal indicated for them to stop. They'd come to a halt by a river or stream and within the hour, they'd have camp set up. The twins had been gifted beautiful horses – one pitch black and one beige like sparkling sand – and had their own tent as well. It was nothing glamorous, just private, but they spent a lot of their time with Daenerys, just sitting or often reading in a corner atop some folded animal skins, watching as her handmaidens tended to her after a day of riding. She wasn't growing accustomed to it quite as fast as her little sisters appeared to be.

The day that Viserys began to feel his grasp on the three sisters slip away started quite the same as any other. In the early light of dawn, the Khalasar began loading things into saddlebags, simple horse-drawn carts, or packs that the slaves would carry. They moved slower at first, picking up pace once the last of their tents and whatnot had been packed away and the last of their riders and slaves had joined the group.

It should have been a slimple, easy ride, but the twins rode near Daenerys and Ser Jorah Mormont when Dany called for the Khalasar to stop before wandering off alone into the tall grass. It would seem she was beginning to truly feel her authority, to step into her role as the Khaleesi. Viserys looked much less pleased, the twins noted when they glanced back at where they could just barely see him. Saerya could practically see the rage boiling over in him, and he kicked his horse forward through the tall green shoots after the faint glimpses of silver hair that was Daenerys.

"Come on." Saelyra breathed warily, nudging her horse to follow. Saerya's eyes widened as fear pricked at her stomach, but she couldn't argue. Who knew what a furious Viserys would do with no one to bear witness. Taking the reins of Daenerys' horse, Jorah followed them, not about to let them face him on their own and soon they were joined by the rider Rakkharo and the handmaiden Irri too. They emerged into a small clearing to see Viserys raising a blade against his sister. In an instant, Rakkharo's whip lashed out, wrapping around his throat and yanking him backwards to the ground. Saelyra sneered silently at the way he choked and writhed while Saerya merely looked down at him with empty eyes, mustering all the courage she could not to look away.

Rakkharo said something the Targaryen girls couldn't quite understand – they'd only just begun learning the language along the way. "Rakkharo ask if you want him dead, Khaleesi." Irri translated roughly.

Daenerys looked up at the woman with wide eyes. "No!"

His lips pulled into a frown and he raised a brow, speaking again.

"Rakkharo say you should take ear to teach respect."

"Please, please don't hurt him." She took a steadying breath before speaking as calmly as she could. "Tell him... that I do not want my brother harmed."

Irri translated, and Rakkharo's face twisted with distaste. Still, he released Viserys, his horse clopping back a step.

Gasping, Viserys rolled over to rise to his hands and knees. "Mormont!" He huffed furiously. "Kill these Dothraki dogs!" Jorah glanced over at Saerya, looking for her thoughts. She was the most likely to suffer the consequences for whatever happened here right now. She shook her head just the tiniest bit. Imperceptible to the fuming Viserys, but Jorah saw. "I AM YOUR KING!"

Jorah looked back to Daenerys. "Shall we return to the Khalasar, Khaleesi?" She nodded, climbing back onto her saddle and returning back the way they'd come. Saerya couldn't help the tiniest twitching of her lips as Rakkharo took the reins of Viserys's horse, not allowing to climb back on it. "Ah, ah, ah, ah." He shook his head. "You. Walk." Saelyra smirked openly.

Though she stumbled back a step, Saerya didn't make a sound as Viserys' wrathful hand struck her cheek. Out in the open, perhaps he would have the pride to not strike a woman, but here in his tent, nothing protected her. "You let those savages attack me! You're on her side, aren't you??" He breathed heavily, eyes crazed. "She's not one of us anymore! Not family! She's a dumb horse lord slut!"

"She is not!" Shocked silence filled the air after Saerya's outburst. She'd never, never dared speak to him like that before. Even Saelyra had never done more than protested or raised her voice. Never yelled. She cringed back as he took a threatening step towards her.

"What did you say to me?" He whispered darkly. "What. did. you. just. say." She remained silent, holding back tears despite her burning eyes. "I thought as much. Get out." She'd never left faster, running straight to Daenerys' tent where she would very soon learn that her older sister was carrying a child. Things just got much more interesting. 

I know Saerya's chapters are a bit shorter, but honestly, there's more going on in Westeros than in Essos right now, so that's why. Hope you're still enjoying it though! <3

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