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the stormlands, westeros

— STRANGLING THE NEW KING IN THE NORTH WAS PROBABLY NOT THE BEST IDEA. But right now, that was exactly what Lyanna wanted to do. While Robb continued to fight this war, Marianna continued to strategise and even Theon got to play a useful role by seeking out an alliance from the Iron Islands, Lyanna was being sent away to keep out of trouble. He could phrase it how he liked about not wanting their mother to travel alone, about how Lyanna might even be able to charm Renly, but she knew that the real reason she had ridden all the way down to the Stormlands with Jay and her mother was because Robb was trying to keep her out of the line of fire. Was it an act of love? Yes. did she feel like she was being treated too delicately by her own younger brother? Also yes.

When they tugged the reins to bring the horses to a stop a short distance from Renly Baratheon's camp, they were met by a small squadron of guards who eyed them warily. "I am Lady Catelyn Stark of Winterfell." Catelyn spoke before they could get defensive. "This is my daughter, Lady Lyanna Stark of Winterfell. We are here to speak peacefully with Lord Renly."

"King Renly." the leader corrected. "His Grace is our new ruler in light of King Robert's passing." Lyanna held back an eyeroll in the interest of avoiding a lecture from her mother.

"My apologies."

After a second, the guard offered a nod. "Leave your horses, my lady. They will be cared for while we take you to see the king." They dismounted without fuss and Lyanna and Jay fell into step behind Catelyn and one from their own small guard behind them as two of Renly's guards escorted them into the camp.

The further they went, the louder the sounds of shouting and cheering grew, piquing Lyanna's interest. They came to a circle of men watching two others fight before the dais upon which sat Renly and the woman who must be his new queen. Luxuriously designed dress, rose patterns, auburn hair. Lyanna scanned her over quickly before deciding that this must be Margaery Tyrell, the well-known flower of Highgarden, sister to the rather famous Ser Loras Tyrell, the knight of flowers. It didn't take her much longer to recognise the man himself as one of the two competing in the ring. Though they drew quite close – right up to the front as they waited – neither Lyanna nor Jay could recognise the other, tall and broad shouldered. He bore no distinctive house colours and the helm covering his face was simple, practical. Ser Loras was as impressive as they said, but it appeared he'd actually met his match for once as his opponent, even disarmed, tacked him to the ground, drawing a slim dagger and nearly stabbing him with it.

"Yield!" He shouted finally. "I yield." Lyanna's hand drifted to her own dagger, hidden in the folds of her dress. There was another in her boot. She didn't like feeling so vulnerable without Bittersweet, but Catelyn insisted it would not be appropriate for her to simply carry the sword around camp, so it was cleverly concealed back on her saddle.

Renly applauded with a grin as they both rose back to their feet. "Well fought. Approach." the victor obeyed, coming to kneel before the dais. "Rise. Remove your helm." A buzz of excitement flared in Lyanna's stomach when she realised that he was not a he at all, but a woman. Holy shit. The crowd murmured and gasped quietly in shock. "You are all your father promised, and more, my lady." he looked amused. "I've seen Ser Loras bested once or twice, but never quite in that fashion."

Margaery tipped her chin up slightly with a pleasant smile. "Now, now, my love. My brother fought valiantly for you."

Renly nodded. "That he did, my queen." he turned to address the crowds. "But there can only be one champion. Brienne of Tarth. You may ask anything of me you desire. If it is within my power, it is yours."

She knelt once more. "Your Grace, I ask the honour of a place in your Kingsguard." murmurs of shock and slight outrage arose once more at that. "I will be one of your seven, pledge my life to yours and keep you safe from all harm."

For a moment, there was silence. Then, "Done. Rise, Brienne of the Kingsguard." he applauded, as did Margaery, and slowly, the crowds followed suit.

With the commotion done with, Catelyn shot their escorting guards an expectant look, and she and Lyanna were led forward to stand before Renly, Jay and their other guard right on their heels. "Your Grace, I have the honour to bring you Lady Catelyn Stark, sent as an envoy by her son Robb, Lord of Winterfell."

"Lord of Winterfell, and King in the North." Lyanna corrected evenly.

"Lady Catelyn, Lady Lyanna." He offered them a nod. "I'm pleased to see you. May I present my wife, Margaery of House Tyrell."

They each inclined their heads slightly in respect, and Margaery offered a warm smile. "You are very welcome here, Lady Stark, Lady Lyanna. I'm so sorry for your loss."

A lump rose in Lyanna's throat, as always did these days when people felt the need to pay her their respects for her father, but thankfully, her mother brought herself to reply for the both of them. "You are most kind."

"My lady," Renly spoke up. "I swear to you, I will see that the Lannisters answer for your husband's murder. When I take King's Landing, I'll bring you Joffrey's head." amidst the cheers of the men, Lyanna shot him a steely look. I'll take it myself, thank you.

"It will be enough to know that justice was done, my lord."

"Your Grace." Brienne corrected harshly. "And you should kneel when you approach the king."

"There's no need for that." Renly intervened. "The ladies of House Stark are honoured guests."

"Has your son marched against Tywin Lannister yet?" Ser Loras snipped.

"I do not sit on my son's war councils." Catelyn replied, a certain bite in her tone. "And if I did, I would not share his strategies with you."

"If Robb Stark wants a pact with us, he should come himself, not hide behind his mother's skirts."

But every word died in his throat beneath Lyanna's cold stare. "My brother is fighting a war." She eyes him up and down, chin held high. "Not playing at one." the men mutter uncomfortably, and Renly huffed a small laugh. Lyanna turned her eyes back to him. "Your niece sends her regards, Your Grace, and regrets that she could not be here herself."

He nodded. "Where is Marianna?"

"Where she's safest; at the heart of an army camp beside her betrothed."

He offered another small inclination of his head before rising to descend the steps to them, turning his focus back to Catelyn. "Don't worry, my lady," He looked to Lyanna. "My lady." he gestured for them to follow. "Our war is just beginning."

As she allowed him to lead them off, she spared a final glance back at Margaery, who watched them with keen interest. As the young queen caught Lyanna's eye, Lyanna arched a brow, her lip twitching amusedly. Margaery's cheeks flushed softly, her eyes turning downward, and Lyanna chuckled quietly as she followed Renly and her mother away. 

We stan Lyanna the bicon <3
In other news, sorry I haven't updated in so long. Lack of motivation, life falling apart, existential crisis, 'what is existence', you know how it is (:

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