Chapter 2

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The Mystical Woods outside of King Grime's castle were always forbidden to most. Only knights that were worthy enough were sent there.

It is said that an evil and all powerful witch along with her apprentice live in the outskirts of the dreaded woods.

Sasha's POV

As I approached the Mystic Woods, I saw many signs along the way. There was "GO AWAY," "TURN BACK NOW," and "I TRIED TO WARN YOU!"

I did not pay too much mind to them because I was actually out of that lame and boring ball. I was dressed in knight armor that was customized for me and exploring regions I could never go alone.

Father always avoided talking about the woods. Every time I ever mentioned them growing up, he would become easily distracted by the smallest of things or create some illogical excuse. All I vividly remember was him claiming, "The Mystic Woods are off limits! End. Of. Discussion."

The only reason I am even running into the woods is to find that mysterious stranger that I saw from my window. All I recall was her tanned skin tone and brown hair.

I tore through some branches while following a faint path in the ground. I was able to make out a few foot prints in the mud.

I feel like any other princess or prince would be offended at stepping in mud or getting dirty. To be completely honest though, I am loving it! It is a totally different experience. I would never get to set one foot in the mud back at the castle.

I kept moving forward when I heard a loud snap from behind me. I withdrawed my pink heron sword, a gift custom made by the blacksmith in town. I did not want to be too unguarded if things decided to go south.

I turned, checking my surroundings. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and my heart pounding in my chest. I think I am loving this feeling.

I slashed through a few tree limbs and shrubs, pushing forward. That is when I came across a cave. A large sized cave with a dim light seeping in the darkest part of the cave.

I wonder what could possibly be inside the cave.

I took a few cautionary steps, clutching my sword now with both hands.

I have no idea what I would do in an instance if I was attacked. I do know have any idea how to use a sword or any weapon really.

Any time I tried playing with sticks as swords, father would confiscate them. He said that, "princesses do not play with swords, they play with dolls."

Everything has always been handed to me growing up, but it was always something I know deep down I did not want.

I was right at the cave entrance, when SNAP!

I froze in place, glancing down. A wire. A snapped wire. Then, it hit me. I looked up as a weighed net came flying down, covering me.

I tried lifting it off, but no luck. I tried to saw through with my sword, but that did not make a difference either. I peeked through the holes to see a girl and a walking frog come out of the cavity.

They lifted the weighed net off of me. "Aw man, it is just another one of the king's dumb knights," the small frog boy griped with a sharp axe in his hand.

I was holding up my hands in my face, afraid. "Please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to ruin your trap!"

The girl stopped him, stepping between me and the axe point. "Sprig, no! We talked about this. No threatening the king's knights!"

I unhurriedly dropped my hands, peering at the two. The pink colored frog dropped his axe, a suspicious look directing at me.

The girl was the stranger I saw from my bedroom window. She was dirty, wearing no shoes, her clothes were torn and ripped, her hair long and unbrushed, and covered in leaves.

The girl crouched in front of me, "I am so sorry about that." She stood up, extending her hand for me to take.

I took it, getting to my feet as well. "It's okay. I am definitely not used to being out in the woods that is for sure."

"Sounds like we are complete opposites. I have been in the woods for as long as I can remember," she remarked. "Oh! I almost forgot! I'm Anne by the way, and my buddy who nearly took your head off is Sprig."

I examined Sprig. I had never saw a walking and talking frog person before. He was wearing a small brown outfit with a blue handkerchief around his neck.

"Sasha." I introduced myself to them. I removed my light helmet, revealing my face. "My name is Sasha."

Anne stared at me wide eyed like she had never seen a female knight before.

Which would not be uncommon. It is very rare for women to be knights. Any woman that managed to get through the trainings was always a huge role model for me. The last woman to be a knight was General Yunan. She was so cool, or at least based the stories I heard of her.

"Woah mama," I overheard Anne whisper under her breath.

Water droplets began to fall from the dark blue sky. Sprig tugged at Anne's light colored attire, "Anne, it's raining. We better get back inside the cave. You know the witches make their rounds in the rain."

Before I could fully think about the words in my head, I let them slip out. "You guys can come stay with me back at my place. We will have to move fast to beat the storm."

"Gee Sasha, we don't wanna impose."

"You wouldn't be imposing, you just can't be seen by my father." I insisted with a small warning. "Come on, follow me!" I gestured them in the direction of the castle.


Third Person POV

Sometime later, two mysterious cloaked figures appear outside the cave.

"These embers are recent," the taller of the two pokes at the died out fire in the cavern.

"Master, you might wanna see this," the shorter one called outside in the pouring rain.

They both examined the knight helmet along with a trail of foot prints. The older one remarked, "My my, looks like we have a knight on our hands. This knight must have the girl from the prophecy with her."

"Are we going to go after them, my master?"

"Oh my dear apprentice, of course!" A smirk drawn on their face. "But first, we must find out who we are dealing with. Then, we will rule this damn kingdom once and for all!"

The pair burst into maniacal laughter as a misty fog covers the forest.


oOoOO! Who are these mysterious witches? Thoughts?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Let me know what you think.


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