Chapter 3

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As the night becomes darker, the knights at the castle flick on the spotlights, scanning for possible threats.

Guards pace back and forth, ready to fight intruders. Others escort the royal princes to their own kingdoms in carriages.

Anne's POV

Sprig and I gradually followed Sasha closely out of the woods since a thick fog settled. It was normal for the crazy fog, especially since the rain.

We came to the front of a castle with a massive scaled tower made of stone and lights panning all over.

Sprig and I shared a look of confusion, refusing to even think about what we got ourselves into.

"Uhh, what are we doing here?" I pitched in and questioned.

Sasha patted her head, realizing she forgot her helmet back at the cave.

A spotlight makes its round towards us, approaching fast. "No time, I will answer questions when we get inside." She grabs mine and Sprig's hand, and we make a run for it.

We came to the back side of the huge castle. "Okay, so here is the plan. You two will give me a boost into this window above our heads. You guys will stay right here. There shouldn't be any guards in this area. Then, I will infiltrate and pull you guys up with a rope." Sasha clearly had all this planned out very well.

I just wanna know how she is so knowledgeable of this castle to be a knight.

I helped by kneeling and giving Sasha a boost with Sprig's help. We pushed her up through the window overhead.

"Okay you guys stay put, I will help you all in just a moment." Sasha nodded with reassurance.

Sprig and I stood around, waiting for a rope to drop.

"Hey, Anne," Sprig began, "are you sure this is a good idea?"

I thought for a split second before answering. "Of course! Why do you ask?"

Sprig twisted his foot nervously, "I don't know. It just seemed quick to trust someone that we just met. Let alone, one of the king's knights."

"I don't guess I thought about that, but something tells me that this knight is different from the others." I glanced up, feeling a rope bopping me in the head.

"Psssst, grab on!" Sasha whisper yelled enough for us to hear her. I lifted Sprig up first, and I clung to the bottom part of the string.

We inched up as I took in the view of the area. You could see almost the entirety of the Mystic Woods.

"Wow!" I awed in amazement. "Sprig, you seeing this? Sprig?" I glimpsed up to see him clinging to the rope, frightened.

"Uh, I prefer not to see. Let's just say me and heights don't exactly mix." He gripped tightly to the rope with his eyes fastened shut.

Finally, we were pulled through the window of a fancy master bedroom onto a couple of really nice towels.

I hopped up, seeing that Sasha has changed wardrobe. She was now in a dark grey dress with pink accents, a short black cloak, matching long black gloves, and a golden chain around her head with a bright pink charm that centered between her eyes on her forehead.

She cleans up nice! Wait, how did she even get that outfit? Did she steal it?

"I know you two probably have a ton of quest-"

"Dang right, dude!" I snapped, blurting out several questions at once. "How'd you know where there was no guards posted? How do you know your way around this castle so well as a knight? Did you steal the dress? Because I you did, it looks great on you."

"Woah, hold your horses." She sucks in a deep breath. "I guess I forgot to mention that I am Sasha Waybright. Princess Sasha Waybright to be exact. I have been studying for years to get in and out of the castle. Tonight always the first night I had ever got out successful without any hiccups."

Mine and Sprig's jaws dropped to the floor, stunned from the idea that the girl dressed as a knight brought us into her home, but turns out she is the princess to Kingdom of Amphibiland.

"Oh my god, this is amazing! You must be so happy to practically have everything you want. Warm baths, servants at your command, warm baths, people who literally bow at your feet, did I mention the warm baths."

"You did a few times," she snickered, covering her mouth. Her laugh quickly died, her expression turning serious. "It isn't that simple. It may look like everything is handed to me, but I HATE being a princess. It is nothing, but a snooze fest if you ask me. My father is only concerned about running the kingdom. All I have ever wanted was to be a knight. The sword fighting, the adventures, the horseback riding, all of it. But I will never have that."

"I understand." I sat on the now dirty towel, so I don't track mud in the princess's room. "For as long as I can remember, it has always been me and Sprig. No support system. No family. Nothing. We just had each other, and we had to learn things on our own. Being in the woods, in that cave, has all we have ever known."

I felt tears form in my eyes as I wipe them, sniffling, and Sprig rubbing my back.

Sasha knelt in front of me, "If it makes a difference, you two can stay here in the kingdom."

"Really? Are you sure?" I inquired, tilting my head.

"Yeah, you guys can stay here in my part of the castle. You guys can camp out in here in my room, or I'm sure I can set you guys something up in the secret passage room that only I know about." She gave me a soft smile, taking my hand in hers. "Please stay here with me."

It was really precious with her puppy dog eyes. She was like golden retriever with those big blue eyes. It would be crazy to say no, considering the life me and Sprig have lived.

I flicked my focus to Sprig, checking if this is something he'd want. He shook his head, indicating our answer.

"Of course, we will stay! What about your father?"

Sasha's face shifted to pale as a sheet, "Uh don't worry about that! I'll take care of that, but stay out of sight."


Let me know what you all think.

I hope you guys enjoyed.


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