Chapter 10

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What could possibly be stronger than power dampeners? No one can fully say because they have never been recorded of being snapped.

Power dampeners are meant to keep people with powers like witches, warlocks, wizards, and the calamity guardian under control. These dangerous contraptions drain the power from the captives, preventing them to call upon or cast spells.

Anne's POV

I overheard the cell door creak open. A group surrounding me.

Sasha appeared confused, but confident while the rest of the group tried breaking the chains off my wrists and ankles.

"Sasha?" I mumbled out, closing my weak eyes.

"Uh who?" She scratched the back of her neck, looking at me with a questionable glance.

"She is still getting her memories back." Sprig made it known, "You have to trigger something in her brain to make her remember you. It worked for all of us."

"I don't know of anything that could make her remember me!" I kept thinking, biting the insides of my mouth.

Think Anne! Think! Come on! I got it!

I staggered to my feet, wobbling. Sprig passed me a stick from the ground to hold myself up.

I hobbled to Sasha, the gears in her head trying to figure out what I was doing. I didn't spare a second. I used my free hand, caressing her check. I pulled her close, gently planting my lips on hers.

I felt Sasha immediately kiss back, melting in the moment.

She pulled away, licking her lips and looking at me with those trademark arctic blue eyes. "Anne?"

"Sasha!" I squeaked the best I could, wanting to cry tears of joy.

"Anne!" She piped in, trying to break the tough chains.

"There you are!" A hazy voice from the shadows emerged. Marcy came out, dragging her staff to create a horrific screeching sound.

"The jig is up, Marcy!" I pulled my dual blades out, pointing one in her direction. "I got my memories back!"

Marcy popped and cracked her neck. "I knew I should have just gotten rid of you! Bring it!" She spun her staff, creating a sharp blade.

"Guys, get out of here!" I ushered the others out.

"What? No way! What about Anne?" Sprig denied this kind of nonsense.

"I will protect her! You guys just get the heck out of here!" I ran at Marcy, clinking our blades, so the others could escape.

"For someone who doesn't know how to fight, I'm impressed." Marcy bursted into a maniacal laugh, slashing her blade.

I nailed my feet to the ground, keeping my chin high to get rid of this damn witch for good. I knew her compliment was her trying to get an opening from me.

"Gawwwww," Anne shrieked in pain.

The shock collar! Anne still had the shock collar on! Shit!

"Fantastic work, Maddie!" A toothy, but grim beam appearing.

I tensed, knowing Anne was hurting. I knew that this was another way of tricking me, but I couldn't stand here and let them torture my girl!

"Leave her alone!" I knocked the remote from Maddie's hands to the opposite end of the room. Maddie crashed to the ground as I pointed the edge of my sword to her face.

"Master, now!" She weakly let out. I did not think too much about it, and then it hit me.

This was a setup!

Marcy raced behind me, slicing her blade up my back and shattering through my armor. The pain of the blade, tearing into my skin as I loudly howled from the torture.

I couldn't feel a single thing. I sprained myself trying to reach my swords that had fallen to the ground.

Marcy took note of this action, kicking my blades away. "Nuh uh uh! Can't let a bastard like yourself, getting up and fighting again."

"What are you gonna do with me?" I choked out, my eyes burning holes in her head.

Marcy dragged her fingers precisely on the blade of her staff. "I'm gonna kill you obviously." She stood over me, "Then, I will rid those dumbass friends of yours. Take the blue calamity from your chained girlfriend, and I will finally be in charge with nothing to worry about. On top of that, I will be the most powerful witch on the planet!"

She spun the blade again, holding it above her head ready to slice my head off. "Any last words before your demise?"

Last words? There are so many things I could say. Do I tell Anne about having potential feelings for her? Do I apologize for getting everyone into this? Do I tell Marcy and Maddie to go to hell? So many options!!!

"Speechless eh?" A menacing cackle cackle escaped from her lips. "No matter! I am going to enjoy this!"

"Nooooo!" Anne shouted.

I squeezed my eyes together firmly, accepting my deadly fate before me. I waited for the blade to rip me into pieces.

Am I already dead? Has it already happened?

I steadily unfastened my eyes, catching only the glimpse of Anne with glowing blue hair. I squirmed around, making an effort to find out what was going on.

With full view, Marcy was thrown into the brick wall. Anne rotated, seeing me alive. Her hair and her eyes were glowing a bright electrifying blue. She was in gold plated armor with tree roots sprouting from her hair. 

Oh my god! She is a total goddess!

"It is impossible!" Marcy wailed, elevating herself and becoming more frustrated. "You weren't supposed to be able to break those damn power dampeners!"

The chains dangled from Anne's wrists and ankles. The shock collar still on her neck. She reached from both sides, breaking out of it.

Woah, she is tough!

She grabbed Marcy by her cloak, holding her high in the air. Anne swirled her free hand, opening a void to the unknown.

"Wha- what are you gonna do with me?" Marcy tried kicking free while hysteria overtook her.

Anne gave her a dirty look, "You are going somewhere where you can't possibly hurt anyone ever again, The Unknown Realm. Are we clear?"

I army crawled to Anne, debating if this was the right call. Marcy and her sidekick are both wicked, but does anyone deserve being tossed in The Unknown Realm?

I pushed myself up, barely able to stand. I leaned on Anne's shoulder as she inched forward, ready to fling Marcy through.

Out of nowhere, Maddie runs up, trying to tackle me through the portal. It didn't take much to get her off of me, throwing her into Marcy. Both went through the portal, and Anne closed the void.

The blue energy faded from Anne as she turned back to the brunette girl with leaves in her hair. 

I clung, holding onto her. "It- it's over. It is really over." I barely managed to say before collapsing into Anne's arms while everything glowed white.


How we feeling, everyone?

Marcy and Maddie are gone, but Sasha is in serious condition...


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