Chapter 5

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The feelings of a princess are normally closed off from society. Princesses are supposed to be elegant, prideful, and self confident. Princess Sasha has always been more of the exact opposite.

Princess Sasha has always seemed distant from the throne. Growing up, she was more interested in the acts and duties of knights. Using sticks as swords, watching the knights train in the court yard, and asking to hear the story of General Yunan on repeat.

Anne's POV

Late in the night, Sprig had decided that it would be best to sleep in the secret room alone. He said something along the lines that he did not want to be in a room with girls, and the king would probably panic more if their was a frog boy in his daughter's room.

Sasha and I stayed up, chatting away on her giant sized bed. I learned a lot about her like how her favorite color is pink, and she despises wearing dresses with a burning passion. I took note that discussing family was a very touchy subject for her. She seemed to have made that clear when she broke down on me earlier about her father.

"My mother?" Sasha paused, pain visible behind her eyes.

I realized then and there that snooping into her birth mom was not ideal by any means. "Oh crud, I should not have pried." I waved my hands around in a frantic panic.

She settled me down, "No no, it is okay. It helps a lot to talk about, but there really is not much to tell though. My mother died while she was giving birth to me, so I did not even know her."

"I'm sorry for your loss." My eyes focused on her, trying to allow her to be comfortable talking about these kind of things. 

The blonde plopped on her back, stretching out her arms. "Father does not talk about her that much at all. I would ask questions, but he would either ignore me or run off to some made up task. It is almost as he is hiding something."

I wonder what she is implying? Could there be more to this than Grime has been letting on?

"What do you mean?" I might as well ask because clearly there some gears turning in her head.

"I am just saying that maybe, just maybe, that father is not telling me something important. Whether it has to do with me or my mother, I wanna find out." Still laying, she propped herself up on her elbows.

"Soooo, how do you plan to find out?" I was full of questions about how she was gonna do this.

She smirked, jumping off the bed with determination. "We are gonna check the kingdom's archives."

My eyes widened, "Wait, what now?" 

"We, as in me and you, are gonna find our way to the kingdom's archives and see if there is anything on my mother." She gestured us sneaking around with her hands. "Come on"

She told hold of my hand, pulling me to the door. but she stopped abruptly. "Wait, what am I doing? I let my sense of adventure get ahead of me."

She let go of my hand, which hurt me internally for some reason. "I thought this is what you wanted." I patted her back, comforting her.

"It is. I wanna learn more about my mother, but I do not want to drag you into something if you don't want to. As a princess, I am used to ordering people around. I do not like it though. It is not fair for the person getting ordered. I want to be a friend to you and ask for consent like a decent human being."

"Sasha," I stated, getting her attention and grabbing her hands in mine. "If I  did not want to go with you, I would make that clear. I do appreciate you taking my opinion into account instead of just forcing me into something." I shook our hands together, "So when I tell you that I want to help you discover secrets about your family, I want to do that with you. I didn't mean to come across as afraid like two seconds ago. It just was happening so fast. Why am I still talking?"

Her eyes met mine. Her eyes were bright electric blue, striking something inside me that I could not quite comprehend. 

"Ha, I'm glad I didn't like freak you out." She clung to my hands, not remotely loosening her grip. "So you really wanna come with me?"

"Yeah, I do!" I consoled her, cheering her up.

A large grin plastered across her face as we escaped her room, watching for guards and servants. We tiptoed down the main hall staircase, approaching a solid wall. At least, it looks like a regular stone wall with a huge colorful tapestry with the kingdom's coat of arms on it.

Sasha let go of my hand that I never realized she was still holding onto.

She pointed to one side of the tapestry while she grabbed the other corner. We pulled at the same time, revealing another set of stairs leading downward.

"After you," Sasha gestured her hand out, bowing and being all cheesy.

My heart jumped a little, but I played along. "Why thank you, my lady."

I started to step on the first step, but I totally missed. Still embracing Sasha's hand, we both trampled from the top to the bottom.

Everything had went black before I slowly started regaining my consciousness. I eased my eyes open to met with Sasha on top of me. I instantly started freaking out. My heart was oddly enough racing, and my palms were sweating.

She was still knocked out, so I gave her a nudge on the shoulder. She groaned, meeting my gaze with a red blush covering her face. I assume it was from embarrassment.

She staggered off me. "Oww!" She stubbed her foot into what looked like a trunk.

I came behind her to get a better look while she dusted off the piles of dust bunnies off the top and the small gold plate that read, 'Waybright.'

"Isn't Waybright your last name?" I redirected her thought process. 

"Yeah," she analyzed the chest, flipping the chest open. "What the hell is this? Father has never mentioned this being down here before."

"Are you saying you have never seen this before?" I pulled out some old documents and photos of Sasha through the years.

"Nope." Her focus was struck on a single document at the bottom of the container. She appeared kinda upset based on the frown on her face.

"Sasha, what is it?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. Nothing would prepare me for the paper in her hand.

Holy shit.

"I- I'm not Grime's real daughter..."


Day 5! Let's go!

Anyone prepared for that twist this early in? I was hoping that you all picked up on my hints this far in. Hehehe.

I'm hoping you all liked this chapter.


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