Chapter 7

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Alternate timelines are usually a witch's specialty. The witches are very persuasive when it comes to tricking their victims into taking the world inside the crystal orb.

The new world always comes at a price that varies from person to person. The last person to take the crystal ball gave up the lives of several people.

Side effects include memory loss of previous life, and separation from ones of past life as well.

Sasha's POV

"Rise and shine, soldiers!" Someone over an intercom yelled with an alarm blaring. "Report to the training ground immediately!"

I grunted and pulled my pillow over my head in an attempt to tune the noise out. It did not have an effect because I hear clanking metal and stomping foot steps. As much as I didn't want to, I rose up, taking my time to open my eyes.

"Waybright! You better get moving! You do not want to be late for this morning's training with General Yunan!" A man with light brown hair and green eyes in a knight suit warned.

I rubbed my eyes, removing the sleepy crud to see clearly. I nodded, getting changed in a fast manner. I glanced in the mirror, admiring and taking in all aspects of the knight armor on my body. I pulled my hair back, tying it up in a high, but tight ponytail.

I followed some of fellow soldiers to the exercise grounds. All the soldiers and I lined up in straight lines as someone tall clawed through hay dummies with wolverine sharp blades.

"Attention!" A woman's voice spoke as she removed her helmet, revealing it to be none other than General Yunan. 

I stood upright with an assertive posture. I held my chin up, puffed my chest out, pulled my shoulders back, and sucked my stomach in. I lightly balled my fists, and held your arms fixed at my sides keeping my elbows slightly bent. Our thumbs pointed downward, lining them up with the seams of my armor. My head was lock and eyes in a fixed forward posture. My eyes fixated on the general with a blank facial expression. My heels of my feet were placed together while my toes pointed out to create a V shape. 

All of the other knights followed my lead, mimicking the same stance as me.

Yunan paced along the front lines, checking for any possible flaws. "Chin up, Jones! Shoulders back, Williams!" She stopped, scanning me up and down. "Hmm, great posture, Waybright!"

Woah! After dissing almost everyone, I got complimented.

"Alright, you soldiers! You wanna prove your worth to me and this kingdom? You will be tested on your strength, speed, and hand to hand combat. To made things more interesting, you will compete in your armor to prepare yourself for the real war." She laid out the ground rules, explaining how each test would so down. 

The first test was based solely on strength. The purpose of the training was moving and carrying large rocks from point A to point B. It sounds easy enough, right?

The rocks were large and very heavy. Some were trying to pick them up while others were pushing and shoving at the boulders. I nudged at the rock, coming to the realization that this really is gonna be tougher than I initially though.

Come on, Sasha! I can't give up this easily! I am not gonna fail!

Internalizing all the strength I had, I tugged at the rock, managing to pick it up off the ground. I will admit I was unstable for a split two seconds, but I lifted it high and carried it to the finish. 

I waited for the remainder of knights to get their stones to the growing pile. 

The general came up behind me, patting my shoulder. "Congratulations, Waybright! You remind me a lot of myself when I first entered Amphibiland knight army. Keep this up, you might just earn the rank of 'General.'"

The speed test was up next. In this endurance test, we were a lined to race on a short trail through the Mystic Woods. According to Yunan, the trail contains obstacles like swinging on tree branches, ducking, and avoiding limbs and creatures.

"On your marks." I shifted my stance, preparing to run like the wind. "Get set." I squinted, holding my arms in place. "GO!"

I swiftly darted forward, deciding to pace myself. That way, I will not tire out as fast as the others speeding ahead of me.

Along the way, I had a few different guys pass me with a few slowing down to catch their breath. I swung on a branch over a stream of water in the center of the woods and dodged a few poisonous vines dangling. 

I could make out a few more guys bolting ahead of me.

If I take a shortcut through here, I should be able to beat them. No! We are not cheating! We are gonna win fair and square.

I felt my legs trembling from the scuttling all the way here. I sucked in a deep breath, taking a charge forward and passing the rest of my fellow competitors. 

"Would you look at that? You are very motivated, soldier. Looks like you might just have earned my respect." General Yunan saluted me and I returned the salute. "How would you like to be my second in command?"

The other knights awed and cheered for me. I did not have to think twice, "Yes! I mean I accept, general!"

I cannot believe this! I am General Yunan's second in command! It almost does not seem real!

I was sent back to my cabin early because the general said I was ready for anything. Randomly, I heard, "Sasha?"

I turned quickly, unaware of who had entered my cabin. It turned out to be none other than, "Mom! Dad!" I scurried over, hugging both of them.

"Woah, kiddo! You act like you have not seen us in years! We were just here yesterday." My dad spoke up.

"Huh?" I was overcome with confusion. I massaged my temples, trying to remember.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" My mom held a hand out, setting it on my shoulders.

I cannot remember anything before today.

"Hold that thought." I stepped outside, running to the castle in the middle of town. "Oh my frog!"


Cliff hanger! Hehe...

What's gonna happen next?

I hope you all are liking this story because I am having a blast writing it!


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