Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 26

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               Falling in love at school/ Chapter 27

She knew it was coming, she had to be prepared. "I know." He was uncomfortable and tried to sit up. "Here." She got up and helped him reposition himself. "Thanks." She nodded and sat back down. "Kate, that day.." "I know, I'm so sorry Rick, I was so stupid that day. I thought you were going to be angry." "Why would I be angry?!" "I wasn't sure how you would feel about having a baby so soon." "Well It is a little soon but I'm not angry, I'm thrilled."

She looked up with tears in her eyes. "I want to have this baby, I really do. I'm just scared something will go wrong!" "Kate." He took his hands in his. "Nothing is going to go wrong. Ill be with you every step of the way, I promise." "I know." She felt better having him next to her. "I love you so much." "I love you too." She noticed he was rubbing his chest a lot. "Rick, are you ok?" "Ya, Just a little pain." "Do you want me to call the doctor?" He shook his head. "No." She didn't care, She got up and walked out to find the doctor. Soon hearing voices Rick tried his best not to show how much pain he was actually in. "Rick."

He moaned and rubbed his chest. "Mr. Castle let's roll you over to this side." The doctor carefully rolled Rick over to face him. He touched his torso and checked, Suddenly his eyes widened. Kate immediately noticed, "What! What is it!" "We need to get him into surgery now!" Immediately calling the nurses to come in. Kate was trying not to break down. "What?! Is he ok?! What's going on?!" "I'm afraid..He's internally bleeding." "WHAT?!" "Yes and we need to get him to surgery immediately."They were rolling him out and she was frozen.

She managed to say one word then fell on the floor and sobbed. "RICK!" She kept saying his name while she sobbed. It was all her fault ! Rick please don't leave me! She was sobbing into her knees which were up to her chest.Soon hearing a knock at the door a familiar woman walked in. "Kate? Sweetie is that you?" Lanie walked in and sat right next to her. Managing to say between sobs she didn't look at her. "W..what are you doing here?" "I do internship here."  She Remembered she was studying medical field.

"The question is, what are you doing here?" Even though she only met Lanie a few times, she felt she could tell her. "Lanie, it's rick, He was in that plain accident." Raising her hand over her mouth she closed her eyes. "Oh Kate." After explaining everything that had happened she ended up crying into her arms. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." "Lanie I can't lose him! Not now! I.I'm pregnant." "Oh that's amazing!" "Not without him!"

Nodding Lanie hugged her. "It's going to be ok." Soon hearing the door open again Both adults perked their heads up. Kate didn't speak because Lanie beat her. "Can I help you sweetie? Are you in the right room?" Ally didn't talk to the woman since she didn't know who she was. She simply ran over to Kate and hugged her, making Lanie raise an eyebrow.

"Mommy, is daddy ok?" "I don't know sweetie." "Mommy? I didn't know Ally was.." "She's not biologically mine." "So she's Rick's?" "Kind of." "I'm confused." "Rick adopted her." "Oooh. She looks just like him." "That's what I thought." Ally wasn't paying attention, she was playing with Katie's curls. She's a beautiful girl." "She is."

Even though Kate wasn't her real mother, she was proud to call Ally's hers. "Mrs. Castle?" Perking her head up where the doctor was standing, she stood up and left Ally with Lanie.   "Well?!" "He's going to be just fine." Letting out a deep breath she nodded.

"Can I see him?" "Of course, he's going to be groggy again, we gave him some pain medicine." "Ok, just as long as I can see him." He nodded and took her to a new room. She thanked him and walked in, this time the room wasn't as dark and gloomy as the other one. "Kate?" She heard a groggy voice, Knowing it was Rick's..

Caskett: FALLING IN LOVE AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now