Falling in love at school :Chapter 3

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        Falling in love at school/ Chapter 3"Thanks..Kate." She smiled a bit and still couldn't believe she was talking to flipping Richard Castle! "So Kate, was a beautiful woman like you doing as a principal?" She blushed and sipped her coffee. "Well..I've always loved kids so." "Aha." She smiled and took more coffee. "So Rick, what's it like being a parent at what 28?" "26, and its amazing. The moment I laid eyes on Ally i fell in love. I knew it would be a challenge raising her but i was financially stable, I had made a few million already with my books. It was hard but worth it. People might think a 21 year old man can't raise a child, they were quite wrong." "I can see you love her very much." "Yes, yes I do." "So is it hard to date?" He chuckled and shook his head. "I don't date, never have because i know the women only want me for my money." "Well you are ruggedly handsome." "thanks." He laughed and placed his coffee cup down. "Also, i don't think if they knew about Alyssa they'd still want me. I want to find the right woman, one who loves me for me and also loves All." "That's the right way to do it." He smiled and stood up, "Well Miss Beckett I have to get going, Maybe we can have coffee sometime?" "Yes, I'd love that." He smiled and walked out whistling a small tune.Kate sat down in her chair and couldn't help but smile. She felt like she met the real Richard Castle not the one in the newspapers. He is definitely not some womanizing rich guy. He only wants the right woman for him and his daughter. As she got more coffee Kate felt butterflies in her stomach. Almost like she was falling for him! Please ! She just met the man 20 minutes ago. She thought she was crazy but then wondered if she wasn't. She needed to talk with her mom. Mom's always knew how to help. Kate was only 24 and still young. Sometimes adults need advice from older adults. Taking her phone she dialed her mothers number getting a quick "Hello." "Hey mom it's me." "Hey Katie, what's wrong?" "Nothing I just.. Something happened today and I wanted to talk with you." "Sure sweetie, come over later." "Will do." She hung up and let out a deep breath. A knock at the door made her perk up as she raised an eyebrow. "Come in." Smiling as She watched the little girl walk in, she was still shy and kept her head down. "Hi Ally." Looking up with a small smile and waved. "What's wrong?" "I..I wanted to say sorry to you too." Kate's heart melted as she saw the innocence in this little girl. "Aw thank you sweetie, I accept." "Thank you." "Miss Beckett." "Yes sweetie?" "I'm sad." "Oh no, we can't have you being sad." She stood up and crouched down in front of her. "What's up." "I'm sad about daddy." "How come?" "He's been busy writing lately and I've barely seen him. It's not his fault though, Mrs. Paula keeps telling him to do all these things." "Who's paula?" "Daddy's manager." "Ahh." "Well I'm sure as soon as he's done with his writing he can spend a lot of time with you." "Ok." She smiled and hugged Kate. She was so confused, this little girl was hugging her and barely knew her. She was feeling that love feeling again almost like she wanted to be in this girl's life, she smiled and stood up holding out her hand, "Let's get you back to class miss ally." "Yes M'am..."


Anddd Here is Chapter 3 guys :) ENJOY ! <3

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