Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 49

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                                                Falling in love at school/ Chapter 49

"Momma." The 2 year old asked as Kate wrote something on her file. "Just a second Jo."

She was frustrated that she had to watch Johanna at work, Rick stopped by and dropped her off because he had an important Black Pawn meeting.

She hadn't been nice about it and they didn't leave on good terms.

It was her fault and she didn't blame him for being mad at her.

He watched the kids usually while Kate was at work.

She would need to make it up to him somehow.

"Momma." "JO!! Please Mommy is trying to work."

Kate completely forgot Johanna hadn't eaten all day.

Seeing her mother wasn't going to help she climbed of the chair and waddled over towards her uncles.

"Ewin!" She was trying to say Kevin but didn't hear her. "Avi!"

She tried saying Javi but the detective didn't hear her. She began to rub her eyes and saw her only choice.

She waddled over to Captain Gate's office and sucked her thumb, accidentally tripping herself and making a big thump.

It drew the Captain's attention as she looked down from her desk. "Johanna?! What are you doing in here!"

The toddler pointed to her mouth making the Captain realize. "Are you hungry?"

She nodded and continued to suck her thumb. "Let's get you some food."

Gates could be cold at times, but something with kids made her warm up. "Come on sweetie."

She smiled and picked her up. "I'll have to talk to your mother."

After feeding Jo and clearly seeing she needed a nap, Gate's let her sleep on the couch.

She walked over to Kate's desk and cleared her throat. "Beckett."

"Captain I'm a bit tied up."

"To busy to feed your 2 year old?" Suddenly gasping, Kate closed her eyes and slowly looked up.

"Your daughter came into my office pointing to her mouth, I knew she was hungry.

The whole time she was here I saw you paid no attention to her."

"Sir, I've been busy and wasn't expecting her to be here today, Rick came by and asked me to watch her because he had a meeting."

"If you're saying it's Mr. Castle's fault, It's not." "I didn't.." "Kate, I think you should take the rest of the day off.

Spend some time with your kids, I'm sure with this case they haven't seen you all week."

Sighing Kate nodded, "No, No I haven't" "Go." "Thank you Sir." Kate grabbed her Jacket and began walking towards the elevator when Gate's cleared her throat.

"Forgetting something?"

She spinned on her heels as she nervously nodded and went to get her daughter.


"Mom? You're Home early." "Ugh ya."

Kate half smiled and she closed the door with her foot as she had Johanna in her arms.

"Here." Abby smiled and walked over taking her sister. "Thanks." "Yep."

"Is your dad home yet?" "Err, no." "Oh, must be an important meeting."

"Ya." The 10 yr. old stated as she walked up the stairs to lay her sister down.

"Ok, I put her to sleep." "Thanks sweetie, where's Noah and Ally?"

"Ally took Noah shoe shopping." "Your brother! Shopping?!" "For basketball."

"Ahh, how was school?"

"It was good, Mom why did you leave being a principal? From what I hear all the teachers miss you."

"Well, I loved being a principal, something happened with your sister a few years ago and it made me realize I needed to do something more important, I wanted to help people."

"Wow." "So, I became a cop and then a detective." Abby smiled and crossed her legs.

"And don't forget a mom." Kate looked down getting a raised eyebrow from Abby.

"What's wrong?" "Abby, I've been a really bad mother lately."

"No you haven't, you've just been busy." "But still."

"Mom it's ok."


Kate smiled and hugged her daughter.

"I love you so much." "Love you too mom."

Abby smiled as the front door opened. Rick walked in, Kate could see he was dead tired and when he looked at her he was still upset. .


Abby smiled and hugged her father. "Hi hun."

"Mom's home early." "Oh." He said dryly.



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