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As time passes. Both Lucy and Tim hit a wall of denial. To be fair, them being together would add complications to their careers. It would be worse for Tim as a TO and Superior Officer over many including Lucy. Eventually, they were able to bury any residual feelings for each other. It just wasn't worth the consequences. Neither confessed how they felt to one another so there was no awkwardness. They were able to build and maintain a close friendship.

As in staying in denial mode. Tim met Ashley who was the daughter of a retired police officer, Jerry McGrady. Tim had a lot of respect for Jerry. Ashley was a lifeguard. Tall, thin and blond. A strong resemblance to his ex wife, Isobel. They didn't have a lot in common. Ashley was easy going and fun. Tim was content to give their relationship a good shot and it just seemed to work.

Lucy had met Chris Sanford. An ADA lawyer. He was good looking, sweet and really cared about Lucy. They had a lot of fun together. Like Tim's relationship, they didn't have a lot in common but they gelled. He appreciated Lucy's true crime love and she genuinely enjoyed his company.

Both Tim and Lucy were settling. It became safe. Something they both convinced themselves was going to make them happy. The denial was a force. Neither of them was going to allow themselves to really feel their true feelings. Amazingly enough they were able to play the part well. Their significant others never saw through their denial. Even after the double date where it was apparent who really had a connection. Ashley and Chris were still oblivious.

Life was going well for both Tim and Lucy. They had built an amazing friendship. They had a shorthand with one another. There was no complications. Just a true blue friendship. They both cherished that, They always had each others backs. It was safe and comfortable.

Denial is a funny thing.

It eventually needs to be met on head on.

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