𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝

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Lucy was 37 weeks pregnant. It was her last day at Wilshire before she would go on mat leave. Lucy was very tired. She was feeling gigantic. Angela and Nyla arranged a little surprise celebration for Lucy and Tim. Lucy was overwhelmed with emotion. Lucy and Tim were always professional inside the walls of the station, even as a married couple. However, on this day. Tim didn't even think about breaking any rules. Wrapping his arms around his wife giving her soft, little kisses. Tim was going to be having some paternity leave in a week, so he could be home with Lucy and his baby girl.

Tim actually hated leaving their home in the following days to go to work. He wanted to stay with his wife. Lucy reassured him to go to work and she would be ok at home. Tim was checking in either via text or phone calls every 30 minutes. No matter what he was doing, he was checking in like clockwork.

For weeks prior, they had gotten everything needed for their baby girl. They had settled on a simple nursery. A star and moon theme. Mint green and white. They loved this theme as they thought for their baby girl, as she grows up to reach for the stars. Crib, changing table, car seat/stroller combo and rocking chair. The mountains of clothes Lucy had purchased were hanging in the nursery's closet. Baby girl Bradford was going to be a fashionista. Diapers, bottles, and many necessities were given during Lucy's baby shower. Aunt Angela and Aunt Nyla purchased a bassinet for them to have, as their baby will spend the first little while with her mommy and daddy. They were ready for their baby's arrival.

A few night later, Tim and Lucy were sound asleep in bed when Lucy was jolted awake.

"TIM! TIM! My water just broke. WAKE UP!"

"I'M AWAKE! I'M AWAKE! I will grab your hospital bag"

Tim stood still for a moment. Placed his hand over his wife's round belly.

"Tim, what are you doing? Let's go"

"Right. Let's go and meet our little princess"

Tim had tears flowing down his cheeks. Smiling from side to side. He was finally getting the family he had always wanted. How did he get so lucky? After all the darkness and hardships. Tim was married to the absolute love of his life and was about to become a dad to their baby girl. He was about to have two girls, his whole world.

Later at the hospital. Lucy was rushed to labour and delivery. Doctor did an initial exam and had her hooked to a fetal monitor. Lucy was fully dilated and ready to deliver their baby girl. 35 minutes of hard labour and she was here.

"It's A GIRL. Ten fingers, ten toes and a full head of hair"

Then came the most wonderful sound Tim and Lucy had ever heard. Their baby girl started uncontrollably crying. A sound every parent wants to hear immediately after birth. Nurses took her over to the weigh scale, cleaned her up and do initial tests. Baby Bradford was a perfectly, healthy baby girl. As she was swaddled in a hospital blanket and brought over to mom and dad. She was given to Lucy where she held her baby girl for the first time. Tim, situated beside Lucy on her bed, felt like he had died and gone to heaven.

"Tim, she's PERFECT. Our daughter is PERFECT"

"Luc, she's GORGEOUS. I always knew she was going to her moms mini me. Luc, you were remarkable and amazing. I am so proud of you. We are a family. Just me and my girls. And of course Kojo. You and our princess are my WHOLE WORLD. Don't you ever forget that"

"Daddy, why don't you take our little angel to the waiting room so she can meet her aunts, uncles and Grandpa Grey. Announce her name, which is perfect and show her off. This kind of cuteness should be shared with everyone"

"I'm on it. Let's go meet your family, baby girl"

Everyone was impatiently waiting. Tim emerged down the hall cradling their new bundle of joy.

I thought it was time for our new princess to meet her family. I want to formally introduce Wilshire's newest boot"


"Lucy was a complete champion. She is literally my hero. She is healthy and resting"

Angela was sobbing as she approached her best friend with his new baby girl.

"You named her after me? Dammit. Bradford. You are not supposed to make me cry. That's my job"

"Well we thought her namesake should come from her godmother. Angela, you have been a rock to me through all these years. You were also the one who set me straight to tell the love of my life I was in love with her. I have my perfect life and a lot of that is thanks to you"

Tim handed Sophia to her godmother.

"Oh Timothy. She is absolutely beautiful. I think she gets that from Lucy"

"Lopez. You are right about that"

All of Sophia's family had a chance to hold and admire her. As she was handed back to Tim.

"Thank you everyone for being here. Lucy and I are forever grateful for all of you. Sophia is so lucky to have so many people that will love, adore and teach her. You will all play such an important role in her life.

"Ok. Baby girl. Let's go see Mommy. I bet she's missing you"

Moments later. Sophia was in her mommy's arms and Tim laying beside them with one arm around his wife and the other gripping his baby girls hand with his one finger.

"Life is PERFECT. My girls. My world. I LOVE YOU BOTH more than anything in this universe"

"And I love you, Tim. Our family. Our baby girl more than anything in this universe. Thank you for saving me time and time again. Thank you for making me whole again"

"Luc, your stealing my lines again"

Tim gave a kiss to his wife's forehead, followed with a kiss to his daughters. They were a FAMILY. The family, both Tim and Lucy had always dreamed of. Their dream had FINALLY come true.

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