𝐓𝐢𝐦'𝐬 𝐌𝐕𝐏...𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐚

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Angela Lopez has been Tim Bradford's best friend for many years now. She had been there when his marriage to Isobel imploded. She saw how it broke Tim to the core. She saw him go through the darkness. Angela stood right by his side as he navigated himself through his heartbreak. She saw Tim at his best and at his worst.

Angela had always seen a big connection between Tim and Lucy. She didn't push things as she knew what a rule follower her close friend was. He would never cross any line while he is Lucy's superior. Angela secretly always hoped that would change. She always thought 'If Tim could see his face when he's around her or even when her name is brought up. His face literally LIGHTS UP like a Christmas tree'

When Tim started dating Ashley. Angela was a little disappointed. She didn't see Ashley being the love of his life. They had zero in common. Angela was truthfully surprised it had lasted this long. Sure, Ashley was tall, thin, a blond and blue eyed pretty girl. But in the long run that was not going to ensure Tim's happiness. Angela never made a real effort but she was cordial to Ashley. She would always stand by her best friends side even if she wasn't in agreement.

Even while Tim and Lucy were both in relationships. Angela couldn't believe the connection they still had with each other. She would take little jabs at her best friend, trying to get him to admit ANYTHING but could never get him to break. Although, she did notice his facial expressions and it was obvious.

On one occasion...

"Timothy, do you have feelings for Lucy?"

"NOOO. Lucy is with Chris. I'm dating Ashley. And I'm her superior officer...SOOO"

'All true. Not what I asked"

Still, not admittance. Just denial.

On another occasion...

"So tell me again. What were you doing at Lucy's apartment when you found Chris bleeding out?"

"Just dropping her off after we got back from Vegas"


Still, so much denial.

Tim an Ashley had broken up after his spinal surgery.

Finally, Angela had enough. She was going to get Tim to admit his feelings once and for all. Angela clicked on her and Tim's texting thread.

Angela: "Timothy, I need to talk to you. I know It's your day off tomorrow. Can you meet me at the food trucks?"

Tim: "Umm alright. What time? Is everything OK?"

Angela: "Everything is OK. Around 11:30?"

Tim: "OK. See you then"

Angela got to the food trucks at 11:15. Ordered some food. burritos of course. Found a seat. Shortly later, Tim walked up.

"Timothy, Hello there"

"OK Ang, This is ominous. What is this about?"

"Tim. I'm gonna get right to the point. I'm ripping the band aid off. What the hell are you waiting for?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Lucy...Tim, I mean Lucy. You know damn well your in love with her and If I'm being honest, you have been for a while now"

Tim sighed. Swiping the back of his hand across the forehead. Tim knew he couldn't deny it any longer. His feelings had become even stronger since their return from Vegas. It was just a matter of time before Angela saw through the denial.

"Yeah. Your not wrong. But she's still with Chris"

"Tim, listen to me. I and everyone else sees how Lucy looks at you when your in the room and when she's talking about you...which is often by the way. You have always voiced how you follow protocol and rules. Of course, she isn't going to tell you. She's probably petrified of being rejected and having her heart broken. She's still with Chris because he is safe BUT he is not the one she loves"

"Ang, your right. I'm a rule follower and I probably will always be that way. But when it comes to Lucy, I would gladly say 'screw the rules'. I love her so goddamn much. It literally hurts. I don't want to make any excuses anymore. I want to date her. I want to wake up to her everyday. I want it all with her"

"Go get your girl. Tell her all of this. I guarantee, Chris will be a thing of the past"

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐃  ❣️ 𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now