𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐔𝐬

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Tim and Lucy have been together for 6 months.

Tamara was living on campus at college. She had a steady boyfriend and was very busy in law school but made a point to have dinner with Lucy once a week. Often, Tim joined them. Tamara always saw both Lucy and Tim as her unofficial parents. Officer Zaddy always stuck with Tamara.

Lucy spent most nights with Tim at his place. Just going home every so often when they would spend a rare night apart.

Lucy had passed her Detectives exam and was working alongside Angela and Nyla. Professionally, it became much easier as Lucy didn't report to Tim. They were now in separate departments. There were no HR issues. With this, they were able to really commit to their relationship with no outside roadblocks.

Tim seemed distracted on this particular morning. Lucy and Nyla were out on a case. Angela was doing some paperwork around the station. She saw Tim stewing at his desk.

"Timothy, What's going on?"

"Lopez. I'm fine"

"Mhmm, You should tell your face your 'fine'"

"Fine. I'm just contemplating something. I want to ask Lucy to move in with me. She spends most nights with me. I'm just nervous. I don't want her to feel like I'm moving too fast. It's just...I hate waking up without her beside me. My home was always my home but now it feels like OUR HOME. It feels empty and dark when she's not there"

"Timothy, Don't worry about rushing things. You two should have been together for years now. This is the next step and I'm sure you will be pleased with Lucy's response"

Lucy arrived at Tim's later as she was finishing up a case. As she walked in, something smelt delicious. On the table there were lit candles. Soulful music playing. Lucy thought 'Did I miss an anniversary?' which made no sense, given Lucy never, ever missed an important date.

"Tim, What's going on?"

"Welcome HOME, Baby. I wanted to make you a nice dinner and show my girl some romance"

"Ohhh. Thank You. I needed this. I am the luckiest girl to have such a romantic boyfriend. Careful though, Your reputation could be in jeopardy"

As they sat down to eat. Tim nervously started talking.

"Luc. I wanted to talk to you. I don't want to rush things or put any pressure on you. It's just...since we got together. You have spent most nights here BUT the nights you're not here...Well, I hate those nights. It doesn't feel like my home anymore. It feels like our home. It feels dark and empty when you are gone. I want my nights to consist of you, me and Kojo. Every night. Waking up to you is the greatest part of my day. There is an extra room for Tamara, whenever she wants. I love you so much. The three of us made this house home to me. I think Kojo would agree with me. Will you move in with me?"

Lucy had tears pooling in her eyes.

"Oh, Babe. I feel the same. The nights I'm away from you are the worst. I miss you when I'm in my lonely apartment. I would love to move in with you. Move into our home. Just you, I and Kojo. And Tamara too. Sounds perfect to me"

"We can move you in on our weekend off. Lucy, you make me the happiest I have ever been. I LOVE YOU, BABY"


"Sorry Luc, Not possible"

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