𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐎𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐊𝐧𝐞𝐞

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It has been a year and a half. Tim and Lucy were full steam ahead. Their relationship had been blissful. It was pretty clear, no two people were meant for each other more than them. Lucy had become a full time detective which she absolutely loved. Lucy, loved working with Angela and Nyla. She was a great detective. Tim is now a Sargent. He oversees all the police officers. Tim always wanted the best for his girlfriend. If she truly wanted to stay on patrol, he would of found a way to make that work. Lucy didn't want to stay on patrol. She always wanted to be a detective. It was her calling, which pleased Tim. Lucy was doing something she truly loved. Also, being in a different department there was no issues with nepotism. Lucy moved in with Tim, 6 months ago. That next step transition was seemingly easy. Sure, they had arguments as every couple does but it was fixed as quick as it began.

Tim had the ring for a couple weeks now. He has been waiting for a perfect time. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind. Lucy is the love of his life and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Lucy has a complicated relationship with her family but Tim made sure to to talk to her dad and get his blessing. Lucy's family weren't very supportive of her being a police officer but started to accept her choices especially after she became a detective. They also saw how much Tim loved her and blessed their relationship after some time. Her father, after a long talk, gave Tim his blessing. Tim also had a talk with Tamara, he wanted her blessing as well given how much Tamara meant to Lucy and also Tim. Lucy's puppy had wormed into his life as well.

Tim made a lunch date with his best friend, Angela. He needed his best friends advice. Talking to her at the station was a risk as Lucy could walk in on their conversation at anytime. Burritos was their friendship love language. Tim walked up to the food trucks and saw his best friend sitting at a table.

"Hello there, Timothy. So your wanting to talk about something?"

Angela knew her friend so well and had a strong suspicion he was more than ready to take the BIG step with Lucy.

"OK, Lopez. I obviously can't get much past you. I can see that smirk you have smeared across your face that you already know what I wanted to talk to you about"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"OK. Games over"

Tim pulled out the ring to show Angela.

"Bradford. I'm so proud of you. This ring is beautiful. I'm so damn happy for you. I saw Lucy as your person years ago. I know you loved Isobel. Lucy is different. She is without a doubt, your true love. She has completely changed you. She pulled you out of the darkness and into the light. She is your forever"

"Thanks, Ang. I never thought I could feel this way ever again. I know I loved Isobel but the feelings Lucy gives me everyday is nothing that I ever felt before. I can't imagine loving anyone the way I love her. I wake up in the mornings and stare at her and think I am the luckiest man in the whole world. I want more than anything to spend the rest of my life with her"

"Bradford. Your such a romantic"

"Yeah. You can thank Lucy for that"

"So, What's the plan?"

"I'm going to propose on her birthday. We are having that dinner party. I want everyone we know and love there. Hopefully, She doesn't say no"

"Bradford. That's not even possible."


It was Lucy's birthday party. Lucy came out of their bedroom in a new red dress matched with light makeup and red lipstick. She literally took Tim's breath away.

"Baby. What are you doing to me? You look absolutely gorgeous"

"Thank You, Babe. You look so handsome yourself"

"Happy Birthday, My Love"

Lucy lips crashed hard into Tim's.

"Chen. Don't start something you cannot finish"

"So later, Then?"

"Yes. Definitely later"

Their guests started to arrive. Drinks were flowing. Tim had dinner catered from Lucy's favorite restaurant and it was delicious.

As everyone gathered in the living room. Tim clinked his glass.

"Thank You, Everyone for coming to celebrate Lucy, Who as you know is the best rookie I ever trained"

Laughter echoed through the room.

"Lucy, Tonight we celebrate you. You have literally turned my world upside down. You took me out of a dark cloud I was hiding under and brought me back into the light. You showed me how to love again and be deserving to be loved back. You are the love of my life. When I look into your beautiful brown eyes. I feel something I have never felt before"

As tears pooled in Lucy's eyes. She sees her boyfriend drop down to one knee with a beautiful diamond ring, shining brightly.

"Tim, Wh-What are you doing?"

"Lucy, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend eternity showing you the love you deserve. WILL YOU MARRY ME?"

"YES! YES! Of course I will marry you"

As Tim stood up, he placed the ring on his now fiances left ring finger and gave her a soft, passionate kiss.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house. For the next while, the engaged couple received hugs. Lucy was still emotional. She had never felt so much joy as everyone was gushing over her new piece of jewelry.

As the night winded down, their guests left and it was just the three of them again. As they relaxed on the couch with Kojo at Lucy's feet.

"Tim, You have made me the happiest girl in the world. Now, laying here the three of us. We are a real family. Someday, bring a baby into our family. Tim, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I cannot wait to become Mrs. Bradford"

"Lucy, You have completely shaped my world. Before I wasn't really living, just existing. You came into my life as a spunky rookie and changed me, rocked my world. You made me a better man. Thank You for saying YES. I can't wait to marry you, My beautiful girl"

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