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Lucy went from Lucy Chen to Lucy Bradford. Their wedding was perfect. Newlywed life was blissful. Being married suited both Tim and Lucy. After the wedding they went straight back into work mode. Tim being a Sergeant and Lucy a detective. You could say they are Wiltshire's power couple. They had gone back and forth about to where to go for their honeymoon. Neither was wanting to travel far. They live in LA so going to a warm destination location wasn't that important to them. Both Tim and Lucy loved to go on hikes in the mountains with Kojo. So, they decided renting a air b n b in the mountains would be perfect. They could also take Kojo with them. They had reserved a cabin for five days. It was going to be magical.

It was Tim and Lucy's last day before they were going to be on vacation for their getaway to the mountains. Neither saw much of each other that day. Tim was very busy dealing with the mountain of paperwork he needed to finish and Lucy was out in the field finishing up a case. Angela spotted her best friend at his desk with his face buried in papers.

"Timothy. Are you ready for your getaway with your wife? Wife...I still can't believe that"

Since the wedding. Everytime Angela sees Tim, she finds herself staring down at Tim's left hand and admiring the silver ring that now occupies that finger. After Isobel, she never thought he would have that again. Sure, he loved Isobel but she was convinced Tim had never known a love like Lucy.

"I sure am Lopez. I am so ready to spend 6 days away. Secluded in the mountains with my WIFE, oh and Kojo"

"Marriage looks pretty good on you, Bradford"

"It feels pretty damn amazing. Lucy is by far the BEST thing that has ever happened to me. I am so lucky I get to call her my wife"

Lucy had come back to the station. The case was closed. She was debriefing with Nyla.

"Detective Bradford. You are done here. Now, get out of here and go enjoy some quality time with your new husband"

"Yes ma'am"

Lucy passed by her husband's office before she left the station. They were still always very professional at work but still had soft moments with each other.

"Hi there, handsome"

"Well, hello there my beautiful wife"

"I just wanted to check in with you before I left. I have some errands to run and then home to finish packing. I know you're just gonna throw some things in a bag but your wife doesn't roll that way. So, I will see you at home later?"

"You bet, beautiful. Let's be real Luc. I'm sure you will have my bag packed by the time I get home"

"You know me so well. Love you"

"Love you too. I will see you soon"

The Bradford's which included Kojo left in Tim's truck for their destination first thing in the morning. They had planned to get groceries as they got near the cabin. At the grocery store they had picked up supplies to make some nice meals and Tim also grabbed some beer and some wine for his wife. When he had asked Lucy what kind she wanted. He noticed she was a little reserved. She had 'forgotten' something and walked in the opposite direction. Tim ended up grabbing a bottle he thought she would enjoy.

They got to the cabin. It was a beautiful log cabin. Mountains in the near distance. A flowing river directly behind the house. It was quiet and purely magical.

As Tim was putting groceries away. Lucy and Kojo were relaxing on the couch. Tim had opened a beer for himself.

"Baby. Do you want a glass of wine?"

"I'm OK right now"

Lucy scooted up and grabbed her purse, she made her way into the kitchen. She had a very serious look come across her face. Tim, knowing his wife so well, could see something was heavily weighing on her mind.

"Luc. What's going on? You have been acting off the whole way up here and then walking away from me in the grocery store. You have been so excited for our honeymoon up until today it seems. Are you OK? Are we OK?"

Lucy had tears forming in her eyes.

"Baby. What's wrong? Please talk to me"

"Tim, I know we talked about what we wanted for our future before we got married. Sometimes plans change though"

"Luc. Your scaring me, what are you talking about?"

Lucy took a deep breath. Reached her hand into the side of her purse and placed a white stick on the counter. Tim looked down and saw a positive symbol on the small screen.

"Baby. Yo-Your pregnant?"

"I am. I have been feeling nauseous and a little off for a few days so I thought I would just pick up a test and make sure. I know this wasn't in the plan. We just got married. We wanted time to be a married couple for a while. We wanted..."

"Luc. Stop. This is amazing. I would love nothing more than for us to bring a mini you or a mini me into this world. I love you so much. Maybe it wasn't our plan right away but that doesn't matter. I can't think of anything I have wanted more than making you my wife and us starting a family"

"Oh, Tim. I was nervous about how you might react but as usual you knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. I'm so happy too. I am so ready for this. Starting a family with you is everything I have ever wanted"

They had a romantic dinner together and then moved to the couch. As Lucy laid her head over Tim's chest. Tim had one hand around her shoulder, running his fingers through her brown, wavy curls and his other hand was rubbing her belly.

"Luc, we are having a baby"

'Yes we are, Tim. Best honeymoon ever, or should I say babymoon"

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