Pearlmathyst (44)

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Pearl pov

Pearl smiled and put on her swim suit before grabbing a black shirt and blue jeans, putting them on. She tucked the shirt into the jeans before grabbing her purse and keys, heading out the door. She went to her car and got in, getting buckled up and starting the car.

She driver to the ice cream parlor for her date with Amethyst. She hummed softly as she listened to the song 'like real people do' by Hosier. She soon arrived at the ice cream parlor and parked her car. She turned off the car and unbuckled before stepping out.

She went to the entrance and opened the door, stepping in to go wait a table. She wasn't on time, she was early so she knew she'd be waiting on her date to arrive.

She waited for about 10 minutes before a certain purple haired girl walked in, looking around before smiling as she saw Pearl. She quickly walked over. "Hey baby! "

Pearl chuckled. "Hello darling, are you ready to order? " she asked with a smile and Amethyst nods in answer. The two walked to the counter. "Hi I'd like a raspberry in a hard cone and she'd like..? " she paused for Amethyst to speak. "2 scoops of chocolate in a hard cone! " she finished.

The worker nodded and scooped up their ice creams, giving the order to them and telling them the price. "Here you go. " they smiled.

Pearl and Amethyst split the bill before they left the parlor and began walking to the beach. They walk hand in hand, occasionally licking their ice cream as they did. They soon arrive at the beach and Pearl takes out her blanket from her purse, laying it out before sitting down on it with Amethyst.

Amethyst chuckled and takes off her clothes to reveal her one piece. Pearl does the same and Amethyst smirks. "Looking good.. " she grins. "Oh hush you! "

The two talk about random things before Amethyst means in for a lick of raspberry ice cream. Pearl grumbles. "Hey! That's mine! " she huffed but Amethyst cut her off by Kissing her.

The two talk until there's no more ice cream and Amethyst ate her cone. The two walk back to the parlor before going to their seperate ways.

Pearl goes to her car and drives home with a smile.

I know it's short but I'm just doing fillers for the upcoming events!!

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