That dreaded day

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Author's note: this story is from Tsukasa's POV

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. today my troupe and I were going to perform at the school festival. Man was I excited!!!! I got up and put on my outfit for the day and stuffed my performance outfit in my book bag. This show is gonna be amazing as always!

"SAKIIIII" I yelled out for my dear sister

Saki ran down the stairs, she was already dressed.

"Yes brother?" Saki said, replying to my call

"Are you coming to my performance?"

Saki did not have school since it was a Sunday.

"Of course I am!!! I wouldn't miss it for the world!!!!"

I smiled brightly. "The performance is at 12 on the dot! be sure to come at least 15 minutes early to grab a good seat!!!"

Saki nodded and hugged me. "Good luck brother!!!! I love you!!!!"

I hugged back. "I love you too Saki!!!!! also a star like me doesn't need luck, I know I will do amazing! haha!"

Saki laughed and we parted ways. I went to my school and met up with my troupe backstage. Rui was making final preparations to his inventions, Emu was practicing her choreography, And Nene was checking the controls on Robo Nene.


"SORRY!!! I WAS TALKING TO SAKI!!!" I responded

"You guys are being too loud..." Nene stated

"Oh! Sorry Nene!" I said

Nene just nodded and went back to checking Robo Nene.

I started practicing my poses and time started to fly. soon enough, it was 2 minutes before 12.

"Well would you look at that, Time flies when you're having fun" Rui said

I nod and smile at Rui then make my way on stage at exactly 12. I am followed by Emu, Rui, and Robo Nene. I gave my normal usual loud intro and the show began. We sung a great array of songs, Miracle paint was the first in the program, then it was Niccori Survey team, and then the third was KING. During KING, I noticed... something... as Rui was singing a solo, a stage light was about to fall on him!

"RUI!!!!" I yelled in a panic "LOOK OUTTTTTT!!!!!"

I pushed a shocked Rui out of the way but I ended up getting crushed instead.

"....Tsukasa-Kun...?" Rui asked in pure shock.

"TSUKASA-KUN?" Emu yelled running onto the stage followed by Nene who turned off the instrumental track.

A bunch of students and families rushed out of the area. everyone was in a panic, they did not wish to see anyone like that. When the crowd cleared, Saki was still there.

"BROTHER!!!!" Saki yelled.

Saki ran up on the stage and sat next to the body of her brother. The stage light had crushed his head. Rui knelt down next to Tsukasa and started to pull the stage light off of his head. When he pulled the stage light off, the face of the future star was absolutely covered in blood.

"Has an ambulance been called?!" Rui asked as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around Tsukasa's head

Nene nodded "Emu is calling one..."

Saki gently hugged her brother's body "BROTHER..! PLEASE DONT DIE....!!!!!"

Rui looked at Tsukasa and tears slowly streamed down his cheeks, Tsukasa could have been killed and it would have been his fault since he didn't move out of the way. Soon enough the ambulances arrived and put Tsukasa on the stretcher. Saki went in the ambulance with him since she was family. Rui just sat there in shock as Emu and Nene tried to comfort him. Rui slowly got up and literally ran to the hospital as Nene and Emu watched in pure shock.

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