School time! yippee!!

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Tsukasa POV:

I could feel myself trembling as I waited for Rui to meet me at the front of the school. He saw me at one of my worst states yesterday. I didn't want to have a conversation about it.

"Tsukasa-kun!" I heard in the distance. The person was no other than Rui.

Rui ran up to me and clasped his hands in mine as I tried to get my bearings from his sudden entrance.

"Ah!" I yelped, feeling Rui's hands in mine.

"Good morning Tsukasa-Kun, how are you feeling today?" Rui asked, awaiting my response.

"I feel fine. I ate breakfast this morning." This was the truth, I did eat a small breakfast. A piece of toast. It was small but perfect for my petite appetite.

**Rui smiled** "That's great Tsukasa-Kun, will you eat lunch too?"

I nodded, but in reality I was not sure.

"Well then, we shall walk to the roof together during lunch time, and eat together."

I nodded. I needed to practice my scenes though. I had to skip lunch.. but how?

Time seemed to have flew by when Rui and I were in class. After class I could hear the stampede of people heading to go see their friends. I suddenly felt someone tap my back.

"Huh?" I turned around.

"Cmon Tsukasa-kun, let's go get lunch." Rui said.

"Rui, may I use the bathroom first?" I asked.

Rui audibly sighed. "You have five minutes."

I nodded and went to the bathroom where I started to reenact my scenes. soon enough I could hear someone walk into the bathroom.

"It doesn't look like you're using the bathroom Tsukasa-kun."

I jumped.

"Let's just go to lunch Tsukasa-kun, ok?"

I nodded and held Rui's hand. The silence up to the rooftop was deafening. Rui and I sat on a bench together as Rui slowly pulled out a bento box.

"Did you pack lunch, Tsukasa-Kun?" Rui asked.

"No, I didn't.." I muttered, almost a whisper.

"Well then, we shall share." Rui placed the bento box in between us.

"What did you put in here?" I asked curiously since Rui did not like vegetables.

"Well it's mostly meat, I did put some gummies on the side."

I nodded, slowly picking up one and plopping it in my mouth. The flavor was better than I thought.

"Wow Rui.. this is amazing!" I exclaimed trying to mask my surprise.

Rui chuckled. "Thanks, I'm glad you like it my star."

We shared the meal till the bell rang, marking the end of lunch. We both held hands while walking back to our classroom. While we were in class, I tuned out the teacher and thought of the upcoming performance. It was in only a couple days, and I did not feel ready at all. it's starting to worry me.

I sighed as I waited for class to be over. While the class time before lunch seemed to fly by, this seemed to drag on. Eventually the final bell rang and school was finally over.

"Come on Tsukasa-Kun." Rui stated as he helped me up.

We held hands, interlacing our fingers in between each others as we left the school.

"You're walking me home Rui?" I asked, looking up at what I assumed to be the taller male's face.

"Of course, I wouldn't want you to get hit by a car." Rui chuckled.

I looked up at him, unamused by the so called "joke" he just said.

"Sorry Tsukasa-Kun." Rui apologized, the sincerity in his voice made me blush.

"No it's ok, I get it was a joke." I replied.

**Rui smiled**. Eventually we got to my house, Rui helped me up to the porch then placed a gentle kiss on my lips, causing me to blush.

"See you tomorrow my star." Rui pulled me into a hug, I slowly hugged him back.

"See you tomorrow Rui." I replied, feeling the warmth of his embrace.

Rui hesitantly let go of me and left, hearing his footsteps slowly grow quieter and quieter, I couldn't help but miss him already. I fumbled with my keys till I found the right one to unlock the door. I slowly stepped inside my house.. something felt.. wrong....

(Ruh roh.... 🙀)


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