He's sick?

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Idea by: @neyread :)

(Can you all vote on a happy or sad ending to this fic? please say in the comments because I actually don't know.)

(also I was wondering if you would like another pjsk Au I have in mind that I might write about soon. it's called "tears of the deceased" and it would be like a murder mystery with the characters? would yall like that?)

** text ** = an action that Tsukasa can't see but is done

Tsukasa POV:

my head is pounding.

I gently felt to the side of me and shook my lover.

"Darling let me sleep." Rui muttered **Before putting his hands over his tired face**

"Rui.. my head is pounding. I don't feel well at all." I whispered very lowly. my voice was crackly and scratchy. I did not sound good at all.

I could hear Rui quickly sit up and he placed his the back of his hand on my forehead. I gasped at the sudden touch but then calmed myself down.

"You're burning up darling, let me get the thermometer." Rui practically jumped out of bed and ran out of his room. I laid down and rested my eyes. I felt terrible but laying down made everything a little more bearable. The door flew open and **Rui stormed in, thermometer and ice pack in hand.**

"I have returned darling." I heard my lover say. I was so relived, I almost jumped into his arms. Rui slid the thermometer under my tongue and we waited for a result.

"102.2.. (39° C)" As Rui read off the number, I could feel my eyes widen. So I was sick. Rui placed something cold on my forehead, an ice pack. I heard the door open and close, then the room went silent.

"Rui?" I called out, hoping for a response. "Rui???" He must've left. I was pained that he would leave like that without telling me. I laid there alone in silence for what seemed like an eternity. I heard the door open again and someone run inside.

"Im sorry Tsukasa-kun.. Im back." Rui sounded out of breath. "I brought you stuff." I could feel Rui wrap me in something warm and soft like a little comfy burrito. I gave him a warm smile in return for his kind deed. He placed something next to me, something soft and furry.

"I got you a blanket and a stuffed animal that's why I took so long to return." Rui still sounded out of breath as that sentence was said. I blushed
at Rui's generous deed.

"Thank you."

"No problem honey." Rui landed a kiss on my cheek then he gently ran his fingers through my hair. "Just focus on getting better. the show is in a few days." I nodded, yawning a little as I did. I really needed the rest, I was too exhausted even though i've only been awake for a little bit. It felt really nice to be by the side of my lover, made me feel loved. I closed my eyes and slowly fell back asleep, being comforted the whole time by Rui.


I looked down at Tsukasa-kun who just managed to fall asleep. I was really worried about his physical health but did not want him to know. It really hurt to see him sick with a fever but I have to be there for him. Hopefully this sickness will pass sooner or later. I hope so or else the show will have to be either rescheduled or cancelled entirely. I am way more worried about his physical state though, how long would it take for my darling to get better? Would he be like this for  days, weeks? I hope it's not long... I can't stand to see my star like this.

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