sleeping over at Rui's house?!

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{Woohoo I'm back sorry I was dealing with some stuff but now I should be able to upload more parts‼️}

Kasa POV:

When I awoke I was resting on what felt to be some sort of cushion. there was a slight buzzing sound in the background, a slight aroma of smoke accompanying it. suddenly, the buzzing stopped and what replaced that buzzing was footsteps, footsteps coming towards me?

"Ah, you're awake Tsukasa-kun." A male voice softly spoke.

"Who are you?!" I yelled 

the male put his finger on my lips.

"Don't yell." the male spoke "Its just me, Kamishiro Rui."

"Ah, I see." I put my hand on my chin, rubbing it. "Why did you bring me here Rui?"

"Well, you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you so I brought you to my house!" Rui let out a small chuckle.

"Why YOUR house?! couldn't you have brought me to mine?!"

"Awww, you don't want to be here? I can bring you back if you want. but that would make me so sad~"

Rui was using his charm on me.

"Ugh, I'll stay with you. we can have a sleepover."

I could sense how happy Rui was. his aura, he felt truly happy that I stayed with him.

"Even if you did want to go home it would be too late. fufu~"

"Wait, what time is it?" I tilted my head

**Rui checked his phone** "Ah, it is 12:30 am."


"About... 8 and a half hours."

"I see... and what did you do during that time?"

"I was building props for the upcoming show."


"Yes, great props take a lot of time Tsukasa-Kun. I only want the highest quality props for our show. don't you want that too Tsukasa-kun?"

"Of course I do, but you should always prioritize rest!"

Rui grabbed my cheeks. "It's cute that you care about me."

"I-ITS NOT" **Tsukasa turned red** "I just think you should take care of yourself more that's all!!!"

"That's sweet, you are a sweetheart through and through."


"But we didn't even do any fun sleepover games yet.."

"I think you should sleep."

"But Tsukasa-Kun...~ :("


I could feel Rui sit down and adjust himself. I pulled Rui down next to me.

"You should really prioritize rest." I said and let out a huff.

"Alright my star~" Rui responded.

My heart fluttered. That nickname, it made my heart jump for joy.

"Rui, I love you." I softly spoke.

"I love you too Tsukasa-kun."

there was a pause between us, neither of us did anything for a short while. but then I heard some soft snoring. Rui finally fell asleep.

I didn't sleep for the rest of the night and ended up getting up at some point in the night.

"i'm gonna make Rui some pancakes." I thought

I found my way into his kitchen and went over to his cabinet.

"the pancake mix should be here somewhere... I know it's kept over here.."

Suddenly, I heard someone creeping down the stairs.

"Tsukasa-kun? what are you doing up?" the male said

I jumped "Rui?! is that you?"

"Yup, It's me Tsukasa-kun. what are you doing up?"

"I was gonna make you pancakes but I could not find the pancake mix."

Rui chuckled and grabbed something out of the cabinet.

"Here it is. would you still like to make me pancakes?" Rui laughed slightly

"Ah, thank you. and yes I would."

"How about I measure the ingredients and you put them in the bowl and mix them?"

"Perfect idea Rui!"

Rui started to measure out the ingredients while I stood behind him. after he finished, Rui guided me to the counter and let me put the ingredients in then handed me a spoon to stir it. **batter was getting everywhere, but Rui didn't care and just watched Tsukasa with a bright smile on his face.**

"Alright. I think the batter is stirred Tsukasa-kun. I turned on the oven, want me to cook them?"

I nodded and found my way to the table and sat down. after he was done, Rui came and started piling the pancakes on both of our plates. as we ate, I could tell how happy Rui was eating the pancakes.

"Be glad I didn't make you eat vegetables." I said jokingly

"You wouldn't do that to me Tsukasa-kun~"

"I WOULD!" I slapped my hands on the table.

"hush... people are sleeping~~~"

I sighed and dropped the subject. after we finished eating, I stood up.

"I should probably get going, Saki is probably expecting me by now." I dusted myself off

"Ah, farewell then Tsukasa-kun." Rui gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Farewell Rui, wait can you help me get home?"

"Of course."

Rui held my hand and walked me home. I went inside and went to my room.

"the show is coming faster than expected. do I have what it takes?.." I sighed.


As I walked home, I couldn't get my mind off of him. He was the perfect man.. that made a mess of my kitchen. I should probably clean that up huh.. as I entered my home, I just realized how huge the mess was. pancake batter was splattered everywhere, from the floor to the ceiling. I sighed and took a mop out of a closet.

"I guess I should start cleaning."

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