413 8 0

July 2011

It's past nine in the morning and I have concluded that having classes this early should be illegal. I mean what's the point of waking up too early only to find myself staring at my best friend fighting against sleep like a bobbing head of a dog on a road trip?

Don't get me wrong, it's cute. She's adorable as of the moment. It won't help ace my exams but still, she's so cute so it make things tolerable at this early.

You see, this is what I like. I am never a fan of anything ordinary. I don't seek for anything worthy of a red carpet and spotlight. There is something good about little things in life. The tiniest of a details that makes your day worth remembering writing about.

So early as it can be, I'm writing about how sun rays shine best at her skin and the lack of balance could slip a smile on my face. I'm writing one's struggle to sleep comfortably just because she spent most of her nights binge watching sappy movies with two pints of ice cream on her lap. I'm writing about a good morning and a girl with wrong night decisions.

"You're going to be dead once Ms. Freen caught you sleeping."

"Shut up. Let me sleep."

Her best friend responded groaning.

"Seriously? What made you think it's a good idea to binge watch movies on a Sunday night?"


She answered me with her one eye looking at me before lazily closing it like the other.

And because I'm a smart girl who chooses her battles, I decided not to disturb her any further and settled myself so that she could hide behind my back as she sleeps throughout the class.

Ten minutes later and I felt her head leaning on my back as soft snores from her and a smile from my lips formed.


I'm still staring.

But she's fully awake now, laughing loudly across our room as a group of people perform a comedy as a class activity. Everyone is laughing but I just keep on staring at her. I can't get enough.

The tiniest of details.

It's the way she catches me staring and she stops laughing only to smile at me. And I feel my heart melt as her eyes soften towards mine.

"Staring is rude, ya know?"

"Are you okay?"

She mouths and I nod as a reply with a subtle thumbs up so she nods her head before returning her attention towards the commotion happening in front of the class.

I still look though, I don't try to hide it because it's nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone is looking towards something that makes them happy and so do I.

The tiniest of details.

It's when you try your hardest to pay attention on something important like our class but ended up staring at your hand on your lap under the table as she plays with your fingers like playing on a piano. Randomly pressing her fingertips on your own like she's making a rhythm only you two could hear. You look at her and she's casually talking to Namtan one of our childhood friend. She doesn't even stop to check if it weirds you out, which would be crazy if she did because nothing about this is weird for you. It makes your lungs contract but it's nothing close to being weird, nothing out of the ordinary.

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