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July 2014 cont...

We went through the preparation. We were busy the whole day. I skipped class without you knowing, you were busy attending your own. I ignored all your text messages and told Love that she will be picking you up since I had a few more things to finish. I invited everyone else my family, your friends, mine, ours. Everyone that I knew mattered and they came earlier, like instructed them to. Everything was on point, we tried to be quiet and we hid ourselves at the best of our capabilities. We heard you laughing as you walk towards the door and you swing it wide open.

A huge shout of surprise greets you and you jump off your feet for not expecting anything like this. Then you recover in an instant, everyone saw how you looked at Love. A smile on your face as you tilt your head in curiosity. If she had done anything like claiming everything as her own idea, I could've just had something to hate about her. Something to discredit her existence, just something to have me say that she's not good for you. I wish she did.

She didn't.

Instead, she laugh and shake her head and hands. She points to me, telling you that everything was my plan. The sunflower balloon field with helium on my hand matches with the yellow hoodie with a small sunflower embroidery on your sleeves that you were wearing. My gift, the hoodie you pressed on me at Valentine's Day as you cuddled yourself to sleep with me.

You went straight to me, your steps small but quick. Your hug can almost suffocate me, you had tears on your eyes when you pulled away. See? This was a good idea. Could you tell how much I love you through balloons, confettis, party hats, birthday cake and these eyes of mine?

Could you tell how much I love you and how my fingers falls on the back of your waist, curling on the cloth of your hoodie as I pull you closer to me, whispering "Happy Birthday, Milk in your ears? Or on the way I move your hair off your cheeks and stare a lot longer than friends do? Could you even feel how I wanted to take you away from this room, away from these people just to have you for myself?

I guess not.

Because you pull away from my hold to greet everyone else. Your hair falls over your face as you jumped towards our friends. And because we didn't leave.

We stayed and ate and laughed and I share you to the world.

I shared you with Love. God.. I shared you with Love and she ended up stealing you away from me.

She was so small when she was in my room, so insecure, and full of doubts. But she was nothing like that when she called everyone's attention. She introduce herself and asked you to join at the center of the room. She was shaking, but she was brave.

She was brave to hold your hand close to her heart, brave to look at you with no intentions to hide as your best friend. She fixes your hair and you let her to. Every second that I anticipated lead to nowhere, but at the moment I had my guard down, she does it.

"Can I court you?"

Love was really something. She listens and she takes notes. She uses the same thought from the words she used to me and ask you instead. Exactly how I told her to do it.

Everyone was teasing. All eyes were on the two of you.



Tears were filling my heart because I know my eyes couldn't handle it. It wouldn't be able to contain every drop of tear in it, it  would have flowed like stream.

Great Lost Love (MilkLove)(MilkCiize)Where stories live. Discover now