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March 2015

"This one is for you."

She places a venti cup of iced americano into our table before sitting across me.

"You didn't have to."

She rolls her eyes and her cheeks stretches into smile.

"Yeah. Like I listen. Share this sandwich with me.

She takes her cut of sandwich before pushing the plate towards me. I gently shake my head as I reach out to my thumb on the back of her hand in a way to say thank you to her.

It has been a month. A month of sleepless nights and coffee powdered days. A month since we started this class project, both Earn and I. That's practically a month of Earn forcing me to eat, even if I told her not to bother spending money on me. She says with all these all-nighters we would need all the energy we could get.

"You look really tired. I think we should take a break this weekend." She suggests.

"Are you taking me out on a date?"

I joked innocently as I continue to scan through our papers and taking a sip into my cup.

"I meant sleeping, silly!"

She clarifies but her words make me look at her, raising an eyebrow in a teasing manner. When she notices me and realizes why I reacted in such a way, her eyes almost popped out of her sockets before shaking her head.

"Alone! Sleeping alone! You and your dirty mind."

She hides her face behind her palms her cheeks starts to heat up and turn red in front of me.

"Yeah. I know what you meant."

I chuckled before reaching out to take hold of her wrist to remove herself away from hiding.

"We should stop these flirty teasing. It keeps popping out of nowhere, even on our most innocent conversations."

"I like it. Keeps the atmosphere light, especially if I keep seeing red marks on this papers. I'm sure I already lost my shit if I didn't have you as a partner."

"Same." She only smiles before pressing the cup into her lips.

We barely talked after, only glances and smiles since we have to focus on our pending revisions if we wanted to take a break for the weekend. Before we knew it, the sky was now turning purple as the sun starts to set.

Then I heard a stomach grumbling.

I start taking out the papers off the table and off her hands. She looks at me shyly but watches me shove everything into my bag and swing it into my shoulders. I reach out to offer my hand in front of her and it doesn't take too long for her to hold onto it. Her face still portraying embarrassment.

"This time my treat. Okay?"

She nods and I drag her towards my car. I took out of my phone from my other hand and dialed a phone number.

"Make the best meal for us? I have a guest."

I smile before putting my phone back on my pocket.

I open the door to the passenger's seat and wait for her settle in before closing it and putting the bag on the back seat before running towards the driver's seat and starts the engine.

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