Chapter 6

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'Really?' The cool reply came dubiously, the hard eyes probing. 'He looks very young to be... experienced.'

The nerve of this person to talk lie this as if I'm worthless! Nevin thought savagely, reacting instinctively to the deliberate taunt.

'I know you don't like the likes of me in the media Mr. Palmer,' he slowly answered the man. 'And please don't bother to deny it, I heard it first hand from you during your lecture during my college years. But there's such a thing as equal opportunities these days, and i will show you that  I can do this job as well as any man. Now, about this data about ads.' Nevin picked the files without looking at him and didn't pay attention to the sudden silence, shuffling the papers to conceal how nervous he felt. His has late reaction but he can't afford to back out on his stand point now and he needs to prove his point with this bastard. Zion Palmer should understand that even though he is gay he can deliver his work properly that he doesnt need to be disregarded or left out.

'First of all,' he told him, striving to keep his voice even and calm, 'Zamboanga isn't Manila or Cebu for that matter and people here are laid back. Life moves at a much slower pace. It takes time to convince local businessmen to make use of our services and...'

'I'll say it does!' Zion interupted him, without letting him finish. 'But how long do you think you need to spend on this? You don't have enough time to waste,' he reminded him. 'That's why I'm here to fix the mess, to fix how this station is being manage before NTC decides to shut you down for good.'

'Wow, you're so generous!' Nevin interrupted sarcastically, before he can stop himself. His body turn hot suddenly.

Zion inclined his head, with clench jaw he sneered at Nevin and he knows he has pissed the monster by now. He is a little apprehensive right now and he bow a little to hide his face. Damn, Nevin get hold of yourself, how could you be turned on when you arw grilled by the devil himself. In the silence that followed it would have been possible to hear the proverbial pin drop.

'I was warned that you were something of a firebrand, Nevin,' Zion said smoothly. 'Well, just to inform you that if ever there is an explossion to happen in this company that would be from me and the first target would definitely be you Nevin, unless I see changes.'

'So frank and straightforward eh. Not mincing his words, hmm.' Paul whispered and smirked at Nevin, he opted not to reply this time. Everybody's attention now is woth the man infront of them.

'Understood?' Zion loudly ask. 'Good.' The cool grey eyes summed up their reaction, he look around and stop at Nevin for a while. 'A word of warning, Nevin, before you have any idea with your wild imagination – I can light you up with just a flicker of my fingers and turn off just as that.'

'Oh really now,' Paul snickered on the side while Nevin is fuming then everybody else joined jim in laughing except Drew.

'Oh I thought you are here to help us manage the radio station and if I remember correctly that doesn't include to change my attitude.' He blurted out when everyone stop laughing. Let's see what you feel when it's your turn to ne laugh at.

His heart is beating fast and erratically while Zion was watching him intently. He can see that Zion is starting to get angry and he knows he went beyond the limit then he saw Zion smirked at him. You're dead Nevin.

'I can do that at the same time,' Zion answered jim with hint of malice and he can feel goosebumps rising on his from his neck up to his arms. What now Nevin, he screamed on his head while fixing how he seat so nobody would see how uncomfortable he is right now.  Awwww, Nevin stop yourself, this is not the right time.

Everybody laugh again and Nevin knows tje sexual innuendo that lace that statement. He opted not to be bothered by it, he dont need to note his bait. He need to straightened up his act as he needs this job. His job and his pride were surely more important to her than that.

'In fact,' Jago mused, his eyes on his slender curves, 'I don't  know if I  can avoid correcting your spiteful attitude. Beside refining and taming one like you can sometimes have the most unexpected fringe benefits.'

Nobody is laughing at this time. He look at Drew and silently asking for help, willing him to tell Zion Palmer that there's no any taming to be done. But of course, Drew didn'tdo such thing.

'Earth so Nevin, can you share to us what you were thinking? You've blank out on us for a while now,' Zion cut thru his internal musing.

He was so engross with his thought that he momentarily forgot the meeting. He barely notice the shift of the conversation, the change of topic. Everybody is looking at him and waiting for his reaction, and he ran his tongue nervously round his dry lips.

'Well?' Zion prompted softly. 'We are all waiting for you to explain. Perhaps you can explain fully why did this radio station fail?'

How can Drew endure this all and just listen to Zion, Nevin wondered resentfully.

'I kmow we need more time," Nevin started with the intent to tell the dismal situation of the radio station but Zion cut thru his statement....

'Thankful we are om the same page, but you certainly believe in the understatement, don't you? For the time that you need as you have stated it should been this time, this moment? You haven't done significant changes for the success of the radio station.'

'I'm sure without a doubt we would achieve that with your management,' Nevin answered sarcastically.

Zion look at him for a while as if he is deeply thinking. He stared at him angrily.

'That's what you're going to expect from me,' he agrees with Nevin. 'Now, if I can have your attention for a moment, all of you. The first thing we must look into before you plan for any drastic changes is for me to know whay have you done so far whu the station failed.' He looked round the room, ignoring Nevin's rebellious disdain.

He certainly had a way of delivering a snub that was all his own, he had to acknowledge seconds later when his eyes returned to his flushed face, and lingered, looking straight through him, while the others shuffled uncomfortably and looked at one another for support. Why is tjay Drew hasn't said anything? Nevin wondered helplessly. Surely he had prepared strategy to defend the station affairs from Zion's merciless attacks. I think he won't let Zion steam rolled them and the station and take over the management of the station? But it certainly looked that way.

'I'm going to take five days to look round and I'll check what are the needed chamge to be implemented then I'll call up for another meeting to get every ones views,' Zion told them crisply when no one spoke.

'Five days—that's it?' Nevin muttered under his breath, while he expect Drew to defend him. 'Even God took six!' 

As Zion Palmer dismiss everyone, the office is now slowly become less stuffy. Nevin release a sigh and started to get up from his seat but he sit back and remembered his current dilemma. Damn it, please calm down this is not proper time. You got to remeber Nevin he is angry with you.

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