Chapter 8

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'I hate you!' Nevin breathed, trembling with indignation. 'Drew would never...'

Nevin's scuffle was stopped when Zion kissed him, grabbing his waist. Nevin tried to avoid touching his body with Zion, he didn't want that to happen. His whole body stiffened and he did not respond to his kiss.

Zion laughed softly.

'You still have a lot to learn, Nevin Chavez,' Zion told him, 'I know I'll be happy to teach you.' Zion told him with cynical laugh.

'You're so evil!' Nevin screamed at him, he tried to pull his arm away from his grip.

He made no attempt to follow him, his expression thoughtfully assessing as it lingered on his dilated eyes.

'You're afraid of me,' Zion corrected Nevin. 'And you're afraid of the emotions you feel because of me, isn't that the truth? Is that why you keep choosing Drew because he's safe, because he's good?'

'You'll be mine in no time,' Zion threatened sharply as Nevin quickly ran away. 'Believe me Nevin, I will.'

* * *

He wanted to tell Drew, tell him everything what happened but he hesitated because he knew Zion was right. Drew hates any kind of trouble and it seems that Drew might just pass him on to Zion just to keep the peace and quiet that he wants, well in fact they don't really have a solid relationship. Ifchevis not mistaken, Drew would just reason out and tell him that Zion is just teasing or worse just a product of his imagination. Anyway, he doesn't need Drew to defend himself. He can face Zion and tell him that he is not interested in whatever he offers.

He still can't believe what happened in their conversation earlier. At the beginning they talked about work, he don't know how they ended up on such a topic. It's unbelievable but he felt off the first time his lustfull eyes stared at his body. He always experienced this but Zion's aura was different. It was as if he was going to be swallowed whole by the weight of his every look at him. He aroused in him a primitive fear he had never known before, panicking him into all manner of foolish reactions. In their next confrontation, he will make sure to show her that his looks have no effect on him. Men like Zion Palmer did not normally have to work very hard to secure their sexual pleasures and doubtless once he realised that he did not intend to play ball, he would drop him and pursue someone else. But wait, didn't Zion realize I'm a man, a gay at that? He despise my kind.


'What happened in there?' Zion muttering to himself as he drove out of the supermarket parking area. 'Why was I so affected with that man's opinion of myself?' He asked himself disbelievingly.

He never was and never thought would be sexually attracted to a man. But wait, Nevin is extremely pretty and sexy for a man. This was his though as he drives through the city. Good thing traffic is at ease as he passes through the city known as one that has the worse congestion in main road.

He went straight to his newly rented apartment and decided to drink by himself. He needs to calm down or else he might do something else. A cold shower is a tall order.

'I took the coldest I can have but why does I still feel hot just thinking about Nevin. Calm down boy,  you're not teenager anymore,'  Zion is having hardtime on himself. The image of Nevin staring at him kept lingering in his mind. He has never experience being attracted to a gay and this sexual tension that he feels is so frustrating.  

'I have to play it cool the next time we meet and he wouldn't know how flustered I am when I see him,' Zion keeps explaining to himself, as if this will convince his body to calm down. being attracted to a person at first glimpse is bad already but having this irrational thought  is kind of frustrating for Zion. He was always in control of his emotions and never the one to snap out his reserve but talking to Nevin exhaust him in a way he could never imagined. what make the matter worse is that it nags him to the core when Nevin declares that he is in love with Drew. Drew is his friend and he know how laid back Drew is and he knows Drew can't handle a firebrand like Nevin.

this is his thought as he drifts to sleep......

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