Chapter 9

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The five days that Zion gave them passed quickly. They are quiet very busy and Nevin & Drew can't find time to be together, except whenever they have notes that need to be discussed. He had noticed, though, that he seemed very quiet and he was glad he had not burdened him with his own problems. Drew always bowed down and it is obvious that he wants to give up but instead of comforting him, he prefers to support him and tell him not to give up. He would like to say to Drew that he should show Zion that he can also manage the radio station properly.

As far as the others were concerned Drew might as well have ceased to exist as Controller. Zion was easily accepted by his teammate and this only pissed Nevin off. He feels that he is alone on his goal to show off that they can get the station better with their own efforts. All of his co-workers have nothing but praise for Zion, though Drew is obviously happy with the changes he's seeing at the radio station. The two clerks obviously have a crush here, while Paul never stops mentioning Zion's name in every conversation and he was very happy when he was told that he had a chance to become a DJ in Manila and even the technicians were full of praise for the man whom Nevin still thought of as an intruder.

Never had he been so thankful to see a Friday. Midway through the morning, a tape of one of the company ad jammed and Nevin need to pacify the owner. He compromised and promised to double their airing time once it is fix. While he wascwaiting for the tangled messed to be fix once of the technician started praising Zion again.

'You know Nevin, you should have seen Boss Zion earlier. We had a problem stereo output and hecwas able to look it up in ten seconds flat. He said it's easy to solve becayse he knows about tjat kind of problem from his fifteen long years of experience. I've never seen Drew been active like that.'

Because of what tje technician said, he immediately started to defend Drew, 'Maybe it would be better if I gave this tape to him, right? Didn't anyone tell you that it's not good to constantly compliment a useless person, huh?'

'And did no one ever warn you about making snide remarks where they could be overheard?' Zion drawled from his shoulder.

Nevin didn't notice when did Zion arrive, he moves without much creating a sound. He spun round, his body reacting instantly to Zion's presence, sending alarming tingle along his spine. His brain muddled and he is reasoning to himself, he must too tired and his nerves were on edge from the strain he had been under.

Zion ignored him, he bowed to the technician and talked about the tape while Nevin waited impatiently.

'Oh, what's your problem?' Zion said to Nevin when the technician handed him the tape. 'Did you break your illusion of me, didn't you? What do you think I did? I've been doing this since you were a baby. In my time in this industry, I've done this often,' he added quietly, 'next time you defame me to others, it's better in front of me.'

Zion had already left before he could speak. He was shaking with anger and whatever else he was feeling at that time. He shouldn't be acting like this. He needs to think that he has a battle that needs to be won and it should be at that time.

While he was busy on his phone because he was about to call one of their clients, their clerk entered.

'Sir Zion called you to his office,' she told him as if she was jealous. Nevin quickly went to Drew's office and was surprised to see it transformed into Zion's office. It is a far cry from its previous arrangement. He knocked first before entering. Zion was obviously busy reading these papers, he knew that they contained the financial statements of their ads. Is he preparing for me to present it to him? He is really overdoing it.

'Something wrong?' he asked coolly, leaning back in his chair—correction it's Drew's cjair, Nevin thought angrily. When he didn't answer a smirk pass thru Zion impecably handsome face.

'Ah yes, I know it,' he aaid. 'Pitiful Nevin, wjat do you expect? Lovey dovey moment with your soon to be ex?? And you saw me here now here  are you disappointed?'

He immediately turn and about to leave but he was on his feet, standing behind him, so close that Nevin could feel his warm breath stirring his hair. Just being in the same room with him seemed to drain his energy and yet fill him with a claustrophobic fear at the same time. Zion havent touch him yet but he can feel his suffocating presence up to his core.

'I never mix business with pleasure,' Nevin heard him say. 'Dont worry about you virtue, if something would happen to us, I'll make sure, you'll be the one begging me to do it Nevin. Have dinner with me tonight?' he asked unexpectedly. He saw the warning flash in his eyes and laughed. 'Drew has out of town meeting,' he told him softly, 'so don't go running to him for help.'

'And why should I have dinner with you? I will never have dinner with you even if I'm hungry' he answered this loudly, he hurried out of the office. Does he not know that he hates his personality? But then of course feeling would never matter to Zion Palmer. He was his flavor of the month apparently, and once he had done so, he would be tossed on one side—discarded. And it will never happen, try as he may he don't know me yet. No kunose le kun migo. Bobotya gaha yo kunele. Tonto!

When he returned to his table, he asked the clerk where Drew was.

'He left,' the clerk answered him. 'Weren't you told?'

They didn't even have a chance to talk the other day, Nevin thought. He was used to Drew always being with him when they went out every Friday evening and he didn't remember that he had an out of town meeting.

'Are you going out tonight' he was surprised by Paul's question. He didn't notice him approaching his table. 'and don't tell me that you and Drew have a date because I know there isn't, Drew himself told me that he's going to Manila this weekend'

Everyone seemed to know that Drew had an out of town meeting except him. His cell phone rang and he sweetly answered the call. He could do nothing but agree to it.

'Pick me up at 9pm' he whispered as he covered the receiver.

In the afternoon, he regretted agreeing to go out later that night. He is very tired from the number of reports he has received. His mind wandered far while commuting home. He went straight to his room when he got home to rest for a while,

Paul will pick him up later at 9pm. Around 830pm he left his room to have dinner. He is also dressed, wearing black ripped skinny jeans, tight white muscle tank top with open chest and black leather crop jacket. With this get up, you can see his navel and the fleur-de-lis tattoo on his back.

'You have a date with Drew,' asked his father.

He shook his head and said, "Drew is in Manila. Paul invited me to drink with the gang.'

He didn't say that Drew didn't inform him about his way.

'It's good to go out with your peers,' he said. 'You know I've been worried about you lately. You can talk to me, you know that.'

'I'm fine dad, I don't have anything to tell you. Numas tanto man lingasa na di tuyo bonita hija' he can't help but laugh with his replies to his father.

What will his father say if he reports Zion's outrages to him? His parents are open minded and they will surely understand his reaction to Zion's insults to his person.

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