Chapter 17

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Drew's resignation from his position was the topic of the gossip all morning. When he entered the office, Paul was talking to their clerk and it was obvious that they were talking about Drew. They didn't pay attention to Nevin's passing and they fell silent when they saw him. The clerk left and Nevin was left to deal with Paul.

'So Drew left us,' he said sarcastically to Nevin. 'Well I'm not surprised, really Nevin I wasn't even surprised when I found out he resigned. It seems like his departure is for the best of the radio station.'

'Well, I was surprised by the decision,' Nevin replied. 'And how can you say that, after everything Drew has done.....'

'Oh yeah? Like leaving us on the air while we deal with the problem of the station? Sure I'm going to miss him like crazy,' he jeered callously. 'Sneaky too. You don't know his plans, right?'

Nevin was pissed off by what Paul said, but the fact that Drew ignored him was also painful.

'He doesn't want to leave at first because he thought he can keep up with all of Zion Palmer's plans, but....' he said to Paul.

'OMG, really Nevin, you believed what Drew told you?' Paul said to Nevin in disbelief. 'How naïve can you get! Please face the facts Nevin. Drew resigned a long time ago not because of Mr. Palmer but because he doesn't know how to keep up with others and that's the truth, why can't you accept that, huh?'

They were the same as his father said but Paul's way was brutal but he chose to ignore it. He heard the door to the inner office open and knew who entered from the side entrance. Dear God, he wondered helplessly, how had everything about him become so familiar to him in such a short space of time?

Right when he turned around, Zion was looking at him, his eyes focused on his open blouse. He was shocked to see him with Paul. Along with this is their main backer Simon Tan – he really hates this old bastard.

No doubt Zion had been trying to force Simon to dig a little deeper into his pocket, Nevin thought in grim satisfaction. He'd need a mechanical bulldozer to do that. His smile faded as he saw the girl emerging from the office behind the two men: Andrea Tan. Nevin's mouth compressed. He didn't like the supermarket mogul's daughter. Andrea had a condo in Manila and a job which she vaguely described as freelance modelling. She was exactly Zion's type, Nevin reflected, watching the way the girl draped herself across his lean body, her mouth pouting provocatively, as her eyes slid warningly over Nevin.

The trembling awareness he had felt deep in the pit of his stomach the moment he saw Zion increased as he walked towards him, Andrea's eyes spitting fire.

'Waiting for something, Nevin?' he drawled as he stood rooted to the spot.

The awareness fled, replaced by red-hot anger. 'Yes,' he told him through gritted teeth, 'I wanted to have a word with you, Mr Palmer.'

His eyes narrowed at his challenging tone, but there was no other acknowledgement to show that he had seen his anger. He pushed back his cuff and glanced impatiently at his watch, and the action inflamed Nevin's smoldering temper.

'Don't worry—what I have to say to you won't delay you for your lunch appointment,' he told him pointedly, staring through Andrea.

'No,' Zion agreed coldly, 'it won't. Paul,' he instructed the D.J., 'give Andrea and Mr Tan an inspection of the studios, will you. I won't be very long,' he told them as Paul hurried forward. He closed the door to his office and turned to face Nevin, his eyes like splinters of ice. 'Don't you ever talk to me in front of anyone else like that again,' he warned him.

'But it's okay for me to do it in private?' Nevin lashed back. 'Some chance!'

'Come off it, Nevin.' His change of mood caught him off guard. 'I know you're not indifferent to me, but you've made your point for the day, so what do you want?'

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