Chapter 2

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There was a large bump that woke Smii7y up from his nightmare. He had dreamt that he and Kryoz had been kidnapped for having "abilities". Sounded like a great story to write someday. He felt sore and uncomfortable, so he opened his eyes. He was in a black box with a warm shoulder on his left and a creepy guy in black.

His eyes widened. It wasn't a dream. He was actually in a creepy black truck and had frozen fire. He had apparently had his head on Kryoz's shoulder, and Kryoz had rested his head on top of Smii7y's head. It wasn't comfortable in the slightest, but it was better than leaning on the SWAT guard. The truck came to a hult, nearly throwing the four of them against the back wall.

Kryoz woke up from the lurch. "What the fuck?" He grumbled from his grogginess.

"Shut the hell up and stand up!" Kryoz's guard demanded. He grabbed Kryoz upper arm and hoisted him to his feet.

"Ow! Okay chill!" Kryoz snapped. The two doors opened and Smii7y was forced to his feet. The guards pushed the two out the door. They stood in an underground parking garage. The truck was still running and several guards were standing around. Smii7y saw the man in the suit coming towards them.

"Welcome abilitors." He smirked.

"What the hell is going on?! Are you ever going to tell us?!" Kryoz demanded.

The man chuckled, "No. I'm sure the others will explain after we get you chipped."

"Chipped?" Smii7y asked. That sounded like if you were to chip a dog so they don't get lost. He just chuckled again and turned. Smii7y and Kryoz were shoved forward to follow him. They went in through a pair of double doors and it reminded Smii7y much of an office building. The walls were white drywall with cheap carpet for the floor. There was a sound of a hum from further down the hallway.

The hallway ended leading left or right. The man in the suit went right and the floor turned to cold white tile and the walls were lined in the bumpy plastic molding. There was an odd white door that looked heavily reinforced. The door had a large hydraulic lock to keep it closed tightly.

The man in the suit scanned a card on a small scanner and it beeped. There was a loud click as the doors' large lock unlocked and started to open slowly from its massive weight. They walked through the door and it started to close behind. It clicked shut and Smii7y heard the hydraulic lock close. They really didn't want whatever they kept inside let out. Smii7y had a feeling he was now that "whatever".

This hallway looked the same with the white walls, ceiling, and floor but doors lined the walls. White doors with small windows. Each window had wire in the glass to keep the glass from shattering if it was ever impacted. Smii7y and Kryoz were brought to the second door on the right. The guard scanned a card and the door unlocked. They were pushed inside.

The walls of this room were odd. It looked like the outside of a very large golf ball with circular divots. There was a table on the right of the door but there was nothing on it. "Your powers won't work here so don't even think of trying anything." One of the guards spat. The guard started to fidget with Smii7y's cuffs. They fell off Smii7y's wrists and he brought his arms away from the guard. He rubbed his raw wrists.

Kryoz gave them a hard glare before he punched his guard right in his face. Smii7y winced in response to the force of the punch. The guard fumbled from the sudden attack. "Hey!" Smii7y's guard shouted as he rushed over to restrain Kryoz.

"Does anyone care to tell me what the hell is going on?!" Kryoz shouted.

"You're a freak, that's what!" The recovering guard spat.

"Just leave them to rot." The second one hissed. He shoved Kryoz away and the two left the room.

"Assholes." Kryoz muttered. He then looked at Smii7y, "Why didn't you help?"

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