Chapter 14

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Smii7y was about to step through the gate into the ring. He found it odd how Neo hadn't let go of control yet. He then faced his opponent and knew why Neo hadn't let go of control. The shock on his face matched how Smii7y felt. "Smii7y?!" Kryoz asked.

There was an evil chuckle in his mind, "I found them, Smii7y. All of them. They are all my little toys now, thanks to you."

"Smii7y?" Kryoz asked to try and get his attention.

"You're going to fight him." Neo hissed.

"No!" Smii7y tried to yell in his head. There were only more evil chuckles in his skull.

He had no control when Neo made him send a cold blast of air at Kryoz. Kryoz barely ducked away just in time to avoid serious frostbite. "Smii7y?! What are you doing?!" He shouted.

"No! Stop it!" Smii7y shouted and tried to fight Neo.

"You are mine, Smii7y. Let go of control completely. Keep fighting me." Neo hissed.

Spikes of ice jutted out of the ground and nearly impaled Kryoz, but he used lightning to break it apart in seconds. "Smii7y, you're stronger than him. Break his control." Kryoz said.

"Give up control, Smii7y. Or I will make you fight every single one of your friends until you do!" Neo seethed. He felt what Neo was about to use him to do next, but he resisted. Instead of thousands of ice shards flinging themselves at Kryoz, there were only small snowflakes. Smii7y had control only for a second. Since he had given himself a headache from being so conflicted.

He just needed Kryoz to attack him, but Kryoz would never do that willingly. Smii7y sighed and hoped Kryoz would forgive him. He let Neo start to take control again. It became easier when Neo was in control. He guessed that was the pit you fell into after fighting Neo in your head. "That's right, Smii7y. Let go of control." Neo chuckled.

Neo made him turn the whole floor to ice, and then ice spikes pierced through the ground at Kryoz. Kryoz dodged them, but Neo already had an arsenal of thin sheets of ice pointed at Kryoz. Smii7y saw the lightning starting to arc around Kryoz's body, and he knew this was his chance.

He fought back against Neo right as he let the sheets of ice fly. Neo let go of control for a split second, allowing Smii7y to move his own body. Kryoz had sent a bolt of lightning through one of the ice sheets, and it jumped to the rest. Smii7y had touched it right as the lightning hit the one closest to him.

It was very painful, but it was more satisfying to hear Neo's yell of pain and then vanish from his head. Smii7y was somehow still on his feet, but he was very dizzy. He couldn't remember the last time he had slept or even not had an abilitor in his head. "Ow. Did you have to zap me that hard?" Smii7y breathed.

"Smii7y?!" Kryoz said, surprised. Smii7y felt a wave of nausea and nearly fell over until Kryoz helped him to sit.

"You broke his control. How?" Kryoz asked.

"You have to tell Nogla and the others this, but keep it out of your mind when you're being controlled. He feels the pain, though, who he's controlling. That's his weakness." Smii7y tried to explain quickly. Purple lassos suddenly wrapped around their wrists and ankles. "Remember! Don't think about it! Think about anything else until you're not under control!" He said urgently.

Kryoz looked stunned and confused, which didn't help Smii7y's confidence. People above booed as two men restrained Smii7y and Kryoz. They took him back into the cell after putting the ability restricting cuffs on him. There, Neo was waiting angrily.

Smii7y smirked, "What? Don't like the pain of a fight?"

"How the hell did you do that?!" Neo snapped, "No one ever comes back after I'm in control!" He glared down at Smii7y, but Smii7y didn't dare look away.

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