Chapter 3

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"Leave all personal belongings within the chamber and follow the white arrows." A robotic voice said in the small foyer. The other door started to open. This time, Kryoz took the lead by leaving the small room before the door was even fully open. Smii7y jogged to catch up with him.

Smii7y had to roll up the sleeves and pant legs of the jumpsuit because the suit didn't really fit his smaller figure. The hallway on the other side of the door curved to the right. On the floor was a white line that glowed. Once they went around the curve, they saw four guards standing there. They waited for the two to approach. "Arms up." One of the guards demanded. Smii7y held his arms up, and the closest guard patted him down.

Once he was done searching Smii7y, he stepped back, "Proceed." Kryoz and Smii7y continued forward. They started to hear voices the further they went down the hallway. They came up to a sharp left, and once they went around the corner, the hallway opened to a large room with a few steel tables bolted to the ground. A few people sat at the tables wearing the same jumpsuits Smii7y and Kryoz were wearing. There were only three guys sitting at one table in the center.

"New abilitors?" One of them asked once he noticed Kryoz and Smii7y. The other two stopped talking and glanced over.

"Well, I'll be." Said one. He was tall and had a brown beard and hair. The other guy who first saw them had a bit of scruff on his chin and blond hair. He looked around Smii7y's height. The third had square glasses on his nose and dark down hair.

"Who are you guys?" Kryoz asked.

"I'm Byze. That's Blarg. And that Puffer." The second guy introduced. He had a heavy Scottish accent. His voice was also very deep.

"I can't believe they found more abilitors." The guy named Puffer said.

"Me either. I figured abilitors on the outside would be smarter to hide their abilities." The shorter blond, Blarg added.

"Shush. Don't say things like that." Byze hissed at Blarg before turning back to Smii7y and Kryoz, "Welcome to the ability chambers. That's really all I can do for a welcome here. What's your guy's names?"

Kryoz glanced at Smii7y, "I'm Kryoz, and this is Smii7y."

"Pleased to meet ya. Sorry that you're here, though." Byze said.

"Yeah, this place sucks." Blarg added.

"So there are more people with powers here?" Smii7y asked.

Puffer nodded, "There's us, Tucker and Eli here too, and we just call them abilities. Powers sound too mysterious."

"What are your guy's abilities?" Blarg asked.

"Well. I don't know. I don't even think I'm an abilitor." Kryoz said.

"You must be. Their technology never fails." Byze sighed, "But not knowing your ability yet is common. Eli doesn't know his yet either."

"How about you? Smii7y, right?" Puffer asked.

Smii7y felt a bit of pressure. He didn't know what to call the ice that came from his body. Was that a normal ability? "Yeah, uhh, ice?" He said.

"Ohh. That's a good one." Blarg said.

"So you guys know your abilities?" Kryoz asked.

"Yup." Puffer nodded simply.

Byze rolled his eyes, "Puffer can create water, Blarg can hear sound very well, and I can make explosions."

Kryoz and Smii7y's eyes widened. "You make stuff explode?" Kryoz exclaimed.

Byze chuckled, "I can."

"That's why we are here." Puffer started. He had his fingers interlaced and was staring at them intensely, "They think we are too dangerous to be out in public so instead of teaching us to control our abilities they just lock us up instead for something we can't control."

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