Chapter 15 - Kryoz

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The others talked while Smii7y slept. Kryoz had promised himself that he wouldn't let Smii7y slip away again. He knew Neo was going to collect Smii7y soon, and he was going to do everything to stop him from doing so.

Smii7y's body naturally radiated cold air, so it took every fiber in Kryoz's body not to shiver and wake him up. "So what's the plan of escape? We are all here now, so we should bust out, right?" Tucker asked. He was pacing around irritably

"That's a really good question." Flom added.

"We use our abilities. Duh." Blarg said.

"I wish it was that simple. A vast majority of these walls are lined with ability dampeners." Nogla said.

"Then we storm the gate when they open it." Puffer offered.

"And get caught by Neo and Nctya? I'm good." Grizzy retaliated.

"We knock out the lights again. Neo can't touch us if he can't see us." Blarg offered.

"Y'all are a bunch of idiots." Kryoz said. Everyone looked at him.

"You have an idea then, smarty?" Grizzy asked.

"Duh. Smii7y literally gave us the answer. We bust out from the inside. Neo wants to use us to take over the world. We then use his ability against him and bust free."

"So we comply until Neo needs to use us, and then we attack him when he lets us go? That could actually work." Puffer said.

"Smii7y found a way to push Neo out. Very clever." Nogla noticed.

"Sounds simple enough except for one part. How do we push Neo out?" Eli asked.

"Let's ask him before Neo comes back." Droid said.

Kryoz shook his head, "He needs sleep. Not now."

"We can figure it out. We can't rely on him for everything." Byze said. Kryoz nodded in agreement. His friend had been through enough.

"I think I might be able to break Neo's control. I can convince him to let you all go from his control. We then put a stop to this facility for good." Nogla said as he adjusted his glasses on his nose.

"Sounds like a plan if I've heard one." Grizzy said.

"What about Nycta?" Droid asked, "She will catch us if we don't act fast enough."

"I got her. I have a few things I wanna say to that bitch." Kryoz said, "Once I'm free from Neo. I'll zap the shit outta her."

"For this plan to work, we can't let Neo know. That's the tricky part." Flom said.

"Smii7y said that if you don't think about it while he's controlling you, he most likely won't see it." Kryoz explained.

"Unless he goes through your memories but if he is controlling all of us, it will be difficult for him." Nogla said.

"So think of anything else besides the plan." Blarg said. Everyone started to settle down for the night by finding a spot on the floor or against the wall. Tucker and Eli sat next to Kryoz.

"Damn. He's really out huh?" Tucker asked, gesturing to Smii7y.

"He probably hasn't slept for several days." Eli said. Tucker and Eli feel asleep. Kryoz rested his head on Smii7y's and listened to Nogla and Byze talk. They spoke softly as to not wake the others since everyone was drifting to sleep. Kryoz was determined to keep Smii7y safe from Neo so he wanted to stay awake.

There were footsteps that came down the corridor to the cell a few hours later. Mostly everyone was asleep except for Kryoz and Byze. Neo came into view of the gate. His hollow eyes scanned the cell before they fell to Smii7y and Kryoz. Kryoz tensed and pulled Smii7y closer. A little girl stood beside Neo with green glowing eyes.

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