Chapter 11

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Smii7y was forced to follow Neo. He was exhausted and swore he had only slept for 5 minutes. Neo had Smii7y and two other abilitors following him. Their eyes glowed green from Neo's ability. Smii7y had no idea he could control multiple abilitors at once. He brought the three abilitors further into the house. There were stairs that Smii7y was forced to go down to a steel door.

Distant cheers and yells came from the other side of the door while Neo unlocked the door. Once the door swung open, there were hundreds of people screaming and cheering. Smii7y couldn't see what they were yelling for, but Smii7y had a gut feeling he knew what. "Ohh Neo. Got a new one?" Said a plump man. He had a cigarette clutched in his fingers. Someone really needed to show him what a razor was from the tufts of hair that stuck out of his shirt on his chest and armpits.

"I did. He will be my champion for tonight." Neo said proudly.

The fat man laughed, "That skinny one? What's his ability? Growing flowers?" He inhaled on the cigarette and blew out the smoke.

"Never judge one's ability." Neo's green eyes twinkled with power.

"Yeah, yeah. We'll see if he makes it out of the ring in one piece." He said. He left Neo in a pouty mood. Neo led them to another door on the other side of the room. This room was quieter than the loud big one. One of the abilitors that was being controlled didn't follow. This room was small, but Smii7y could tell it was a private room only meant for Neo. There were a few chairs and a window with a clear sight of what was in the center of the large room. Two people fought in a pit with people cheering above. They were trying to kill each other by the use of their abilities.

One had the power to summon fire while the other one was extremely fast. The man, with the ability of speed, had several burn marks on him. "Oh, Smii7y." Neo said from one of the chairs and getting Smii7y's mind away from the fight, "You talked to Nogla and didn't tell me? Would've been nice to know that you were associated with one of my old abilitors." Neo chuckled. Smii7y was forced to face him, "These other abilitors are powerful. Power of lightning, water, shapeshifting, sound, and explosion? Eli even discovered his ability? I would love that in my collection." Smii7y wanted to freeze him. His friends weren't objects, and he needed to get out of his memories. There was a click, and the door to the room opened. A woman came through. Her eyeliner was so thick it covered her whole eyelid. She wore black clothing covered in silver chains.

"Ohh Neo. You got a new pet." She said. She chewed a piece of gum loudly.

Neo smiled, "When am I not collecting new abilitors, Nycta?" The woman orbited Smii7y making him feel very uncomfortable. She stopped in front of him and ran a long acrylic nail down his nose.

"He's cute. Where did you find this one?" The woman asked.

"Another facility. He's very powerful." Neo said from his comfortable seat, "There are more I want from the facility too."

"Sounds like a plan." She said, "Hope you fight this cutie first."

"Absolutely." Neo nodded, "He's going to be the champion tonight."

"Neo. You've never beaten the champion. What can this kid have that can kill the champion?" Nycta asked.

"You'll see." Neo said with a grin. There was loud cheering, and Smii7y was barely able to see the ring. The abilitor of speed was on the ground, and the fire abilitor was trying to get out. The woman's eyes glowed purple when she looked out at the ring. Purple tendrils came out of the ground and looped themselves around the fire abilitor, holding him down to the ground while someone restrained him. The door to the room cracked open, and a small woman popped her head in.

"Sir. They are bringing out the champion." She said.

Neo smiled at Smii7y, "I'll send him with you." Smii7y was forced to follow the short woman. They went down a set of stairs. There was a narrow hallway with a cell door on each side. Smii7y was told to enter on the left.

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