Chapter 4

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"All abilitors report to the dinner hall in five." A loud voice said through the intercoms. Smii7y winced from the rude awakening. He felt his body ache from the horrible mattress. "Com'on Smii7y. We don't wanna be late." Tucker mumbled and stirred below.

Smii7y grumbled and rolled over, nearly forgetting he was on a top bunk. He still had the small ice bird clutched in his hand. It hadn't melted at all. There was a click as the door unlocked and opened. Smii7y got up and hopped down from the bunk. He and Tucker left the cell to find a few of the others standing in the hall. Smii7y soon spotted Eli and Kryoz and went over to join them. "Any luck with your abilities?" Smii7y asked.

Eli shook his head, "It's not gonna happen overnight."

"I don't even know where to start when looking for my ability." Kryoz said.

"Well, the abilities usually resonate with the abilitor's personality, so I'd say study yourself and maybe things you like or do often." Tucker offered.

"Would that really work?" Eli asked.

Tucker shrugged, "That's kinda how I discovered my ability."

"But Smii7y found his through fear. Does it have to be inflicted by fear?" Kryoz asked.

Eli shook his head, "The testers tried with me. High adrenaline spikes and lots of flight or fight responses. Mostly flight."

"Maybe another strong emotion. Anger, sadness, or love." Tucker said.

"Huh? They do say three out of very ten men are gay. One of us has to be gay right?" Eli said.

"You're a dumbass. It could be love for something else." Tucker said. They started to walk down the hall to the dinner hall, "It could be anything that triggers a reaction."

"This is hopeless. You guys better come up with another plan to get out of here." Kryoz said.

"Don't lose hope yet, Kryoz. We can wait." Smii7y said. They made it to the dinner hall, and the two guards were waiting to do roll call. They finished roll call, and everyone grabbed their food before sitting down at the table in the center again. Smii7y sat next to Tucker and Kryoz while Byze was on Kryoz's left.

"Any luck, Eli and Kryoz?" Puffer asked.

"Nope." Eli popped the "p".

"You guys might wanna come up with a different plan. Waiting for us seems pointless." Kryoz said dryly.

"It's only been one night, Kryoz. Give it time." Byze said.

"We don't have time! Who knows what Riser is planning." Kryoz snapped. The lights flickered for a second, making a few people look around.

"A lot of us have been here for years. A little bit longer won't affect us." Puffer said.

Kryoz smacked his hands on the table and stood up quickly, "That's not fair! You shouldn't have to count on me!" The lights flashed on and off as he shouted.

Kryoz's anger changed to confusion. "Kryoz. Sit down quickly." Byze said. Kryoz looked down at him before returning back to his seat. Three guards ran into the hall.

"What was that?" The first guard demanded.

Byze shrugged, "Looks like someone forgot to pay the electric bill." The guards glanced around before going back down the exit hallway. Everyone then looked at Kryoz.

"What? That couldn't have been me." Kryoz demanded.

"I think it was." Tucker said, "Look at your hand." Kryoz looked at his hand, and blue electricity arced between his fingers.

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