Chapter 5

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Smii7y was shoved into the abilitor chambers, and the big steel door closed behind him. He was exhausted from the hours of being forced to use his ability. He even experienced the pain that the chip in his arm could do after denying creating more waves of ice. It was like an electrical shock that traveled through his veins. There was no way that was humane, but then again, none of this was.

The most important thing though, he learned how powerful his ability was. He learned to control the mass amounts of ice quickly. He felt he could do much more damage to the large testing room, but he wanted to keep that from the testers, so he just made a lot of waves of ice spikes on the floor.

He walked down the hallway and into the dinner hall. It was empty, but his internal clock told him it was almost time for roll call. Right on que, the voice came on the intercoms announcing time for roll call. There was shuffling and voices down from the hallway as everyone came in. "Smii7y!" Kryoz said when he saw him standing there.

"That was a long testing. Everything go okay?" Tucker asked.

Smii7y shrugged, "It was exhausting if that's what you mean."

"They always are. Imagine being unknown, and then they really push you." Eli said.

"Speaking of being unknown-" Kryoz started, but Tucker cut him off.

"Not here." He hissed. A guard walked by them and definitely would've heard Kryoz if he kept talking. "We'll talk about it at dinner." Tucker said once the guard was out of earshot.'

"Close call." Kryoz said. They joined the others for roll call, and then all sat around the table.

"So." Byze started, "Now that Eli knows his ability, we can develop a plan."

"Eli knows his ability? What is it?" Smii7y asked, slightly shocked he missed so much.

Eli chuckled, "I'm calling it Mimic. Kryoz, Tucker, and I figured it out earlier today. I touched Kryoz's shoulder, and then I had lightning abilities. Then I touched Tucker, and I could turn into animals. It was so lit."

"That's cool as fuck." Smii7y praised.

"It will come in handy when trying to escape." Byze said.

"So then what's the plan?" Puffer asked.

"I've been thinking of this plan for a while. Smii7y, Kryoz, and Eli are the last pieces of the puzzle we needed." Byze explained, "We will need cover, blockage, and brute force."

"All things that we have now." Blarg said.

Byze nodded, "Kryoz will use his powers to short out the power and the chips. Tucker and Blarg will be our eyes and ears in the darkness to guide us."

"Wait, I can't see in the dark." Tucker pointed out.

"But a animal you can turn into can." Puffer said.

"Oh yeah. I forgot I could do that." Tucker said with a chuckle.

"You've really thought about this haven't you, Byze?" Eli said.

Byze nodded, "Like I said, I just couldn't get around the chips but with Kryoz's power we can."

"Glad my ability is useful " Kryoz said proudly.

"Smii7y, Puffer, and I will be the brute force. We will need to use our abilities to get through the doors and any guards. Eli, you're free to help whoever you want or help where it's needed." Byze explained.

"I can do that." Eli said.

"We will only have two minutes before the backup power for the facility kicks in so we have to be quick at getting through the doors and out." Byze said.

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