Chapter 12

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"Heal him." Smii7y heard Neo's voice demand.

"His power is insane. You said there were more like him?" Nycta's voice asked.

"Several more with crazy strong abilities. They are even associated with our old friend, Nogla." Neo said. Smii7y felt two warm hands being placed on his stomach and side. Right where thewhere the throbbing pain was. He kept his eyes closed so he could listen to the conversation.

"Nogla!" Nycta hissed, "That bastard needs to he killed." He had a feeling he knew what was happening there with a puncture wound.

"Powerful though." Neo countered, "I want him and his gang back. Then I'd be unstoppable."

Nycta sighed, "Dominating the ring isn't power, Neo."

"I know. I mean much bigger than the ring. I mean the world." Neo responded.

Nycta burst out into laughter, "You can't be serious." There was a moment of silence. "You are. Neo, that is crazy. A couple of people with superpowers can't take over the world with nuclear weapons, little alone with a master who can't handle pain."

Smii7y replayed those words in his head. I sounded like Nycta just said that Neo couldn't handle the pain that the abilitors he was controlling got.

"Nycta!" Neo hissed, "Not here."

"Sorry, but you know it's true." Nycta said.

Neo sighed, "Still. I will be powerful and that is all that matters to me. It's better I have them than someone who just puts them in cages for the rest of their lives and their power is wasted."

"You make it sound like you're doing these abilitors a favor." Nycta said.

"I am." Neo snapped. Smii7y could hear the irritation in his voice. Smii7y heard what he needed to, though. Even if Neo went through his mind, he still knew it and he could start to develop a plan to keep his friends out of this crazy man's hands. More importantly, he could tell Nogla Neo's weakness.

Smii7y opened his eyes in hopes he could use his ability but purple lashings were wrapped around his wrists. He was laying flat on his back on the ground and the purple tendrils glowed brightly. They secured him to the ground. He was in a different change of clothes and he didn't wanna know how. He wore just a dark gray shirt and black sweatpants. "Welcome back, Smii7y. Good fight out there." Neo said with a smile. There was a short blond girl standing next to him with green glowing eyes. Nycta was standing on his other side with purple glowing eyes. She must have the ability of the tendrils.

His side didn't hurt, however. He tried to pull on the purple tendrils, but the harder he pulled, the more his wrists started to tingle. He tried to radiate cold air off his body that seemed to do nothing on the strands of purple light. "Probably should've controlled him before he gained consciousness." Neo said. Nycta giggled while rolling her eyes. Well, Smii7y definitely wasn't gonna let Neo even touch him if he made a mistake.

The blond girl started to take a step towards him. She didn't look any older than 14 years old. She started to reach a hand out to him but stopped a few inches away from his arm. Her fingers were starting to turn blue from the cold. Neo was using her against him. Smii7y knew he could seriously hurt her if she even brushed against his skin."Mother fucker." Smii7y growled. He had to relax the cold air that drifted off his body to not give this innocent girl frostbite.

Neo smirked, "Smart idea, Smii7y but I'm smarter. I like my healer as she is, with all of her limbs so thank you for not burning them off." He squatted down and gripped Smii7y's forearm. He felt the cold wave of control spread through his body as Neo pushed him aside. The young girl was told to back away and the purple stands disappeared from his wrists.

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