Chapter 16

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Smii7y saw Nogla break free of Neo's grasp, and he knew that Neo was about to go down. He tried to break himself, but Neo suddenly disappeared from his head. He was still in control, but Smii7y couldn't feel where he was. Nogla had removed his glasses and looked Neo dead in the eyes. Neo's eyes widened, and Nogla used his ability to start letting everyone go from his control.

Smii7y knew it would be fine since he would be set free in a second. That second never came, though. Neo still had control, and now he ordered him to attack. The temperature in the room dropped, and Smii7y blasted his friends back and away from Neo. Ice spikes pinned them down to the floor, nearly killing them. Something was wrong. He couldn't break control. He was fighting Neo as best as he could, but then his head started spinning before erupting in pain.

It was like Neo pinned him against the wall of the darkest corner of his mind. "What did you do to him?!" Smii7y heard Kryoz shout. Smii7y couldn't think. His head hurt so bad he thought he'd pass out. Then everything went silent. Smii7y couldn't see or hear anything. Just darkness. He didn't feel anything. Not even his own breath in his chest. He tried to think of something. Anything. Nothing seemed to work. He was just kept in the darkness.

He was then brought back, and he could hear and see again. Droid's eyes glowed green, and he had a hand on the keyboard. Smii7y had a feeling he had just witnessed Neo's full ability since he was only controlling Smii7y. His head still throbbed, and he tried to direct that pain to Neo.

Neo walked over to a microphone, "Hello world. I am Neo. I am broadcasting worldwide to inform you that I have access to every nuclear missile in the world. Any attempt to stop me will result in a worldwide declination. I am the new ruler. Any nation's leaders will step down. I have more power than any nation, and I will not hesitate to launch the missiles."

Smii7y tried fighting him again, and Neo's head snapped to him. "Cut that shit out!" He snapped. Smii7y did the opposite, actually. He was close to breaking the control. "This one too, Nycta." Neo let go of Smii7y, and he collapsed from the final blow Neo did to him before. The tendrils wrapped around his wrists, but he was in too much pain to move. His eyes were squeezed shut to try and soothe the pain in his skull.

"That was annoying." Nycta mumbled.

"I have it under control now. I just tried to control too many at once. If they cause any more issues, restrain Droid and let Smii7y go. It's better if I only control one at a time for right now." Neo said irritably.

"What about the rest of the shitheads?" Nycta asked.

"Just keep them secured. I'll deal with them later." Neo ordered. Neo watched the screens that were recorded around the world through Droid. Smii7y couldn't just let Neo use him and the others to control the world. He had to get Nycta to let the others go. The purple tendrils didn't block abilities, so Smii7y got an idea. He put his hand on the floor, and ice started to spread across it. It was so soundless that Nycta didn't feel the floor turn to ice below her feet.

She slipped on the ice and fell backward. There was a jaw-clenching crack when the back of her head hit the floor. The tendrils disappeared, and Smii7y was able to push himself up. He was going to attack Neo, but Neo grabbed his throat before he could do anything. He felt the sickening wave of control spread through his body as Neo's fingers clasped tightly around his neck. "I'm so sick of all of you! I'm going to kill you all one by one!" Neo shouted. He let Smii7y go, so Smii7y tried to kick him out, but with Neo's full focus on him, he kept pushing Smii7y down.

"Puffer. Byze. Go get the others set free." Nogla said.

"What about Smii7y?" Kryoz asked.

"We take down Neo." Nogla said simply.

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