Chapter 6- Kryoz

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They ran through the double doors and into the underground parking lot. They quickly found the ramp outside, and Kryoz was right. Rain poured down, and thunder hummed in the distance. They ran far enough that the alarm was lost in the distance. They're were deep in a forest. "I gotta take a break, guys." Puffer panted. He was leaning against a tree and breathing heavily. Everyone was drenched in water, and their shoes were covered in mud.

Kryoz fell to his knees with a squelch of the mud, but he didn't care about the wet dirt that soaked his knees. He had just left his best friend in that living hell. It should've been him that was still there, alone and scared. "Kryoz. We can still go back for him. We just have to regroup, and" Tucker started.

"No, Tucker! You all left him there! We could've saved him but you all just wanted to save your own fucking asses! Smii7y should be the last person who was left back there!" Kryoz shouted as he stood up. Thunder echoed around the clouds.

"We couldn't do anything or more of us could've been caught." Byze said.

"No! You've could've helped him! Your ability is strong enough to have broken all that shit down! This is your fault!" Kryoz shouted. Lighting suddently struck the old spruce tree closest to Kryoz and he stormed off. The rain instantly put out the burning wood.

"Give him time." Puffer said as he placed a hand on Byze's shoulder, "I'm sure he didn't mean any of that."

Kryoz had walked a bit aways from them and sat at the base of a tree. He let the rain fall on his face as it fell through the branches. He didn't know what came over him just then. He just wanted to blame someone when really, he should've been blaming himself. He should've made sure his best friend was right next to him, not lagging behind.

There was a rustle of leaves and Kryoz watched as a wild dog came out of the bushes on his right. The dog was sniffing the forest floor. Its fur was matted and wet from the rain but its coat was the color of chocolate. It was a chocolate Labrador. Once it noticed Kryoz it wagged its tail and came over to him.

Kryoz smiled as he pet the dog, "I'm surprised that lightning didn't scare you away." The dog nuzzled his hand. "You probably saw that whole thing huh?"

The dog sat down and watched him with deep brown eyes. "I didn't mean any of it. I was just mad and well, scared too. It should've been me who was caught. I'm also talking to a dog. I really am losing it." The dog continued to watch him, "I guess need to apologize huh?" The dog barked and wagged its tail.

Kryoz smiled, "That's you, huh Tucker?" The dog changed into Tucker who was sitting next to him.

"Guess I need to work on my dog acting." Tucker said with a chuckle.

"Tucker, I'm sorry. I just-"

"Nuh uh. You just explained it to me and its okay. I get it. I should've done more too, but it's not your fault, and I'm glad you didn't get caught. Could you imagine what Riser could do with your ability? I mean I'm not saying Smii7y's ability isn't strong it's just lightning is powerful. Did you see what you did to that tree?" Tucker said.

Kryoz smiled, "Well, we are still geting my friend back weather you like it or not."

"Our friend." Tucker corrected, "Com'on. Let's go with the others. We need to find shelter." Tucker stood up and Kryoz joined him. They walked back to were Kryoz had left the others. They were still there looking confused. The tree Kryoz had accidentally struck with lightning was split down the middle. It was nothing more than splinters and pinecones.

Kryoz approched Byze, "Hey Byze. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that stuff back there. It's not your fault and there wasn't anything we could do without us all getting caught again."

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