Chapter 8

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"He will do nicely. Is this your only one?" The man asked.

"For now. I'm going to be catching more. I just need the money to make repairs." Riser said. They talked while Smii7y was right there, listening to them.

"I see that. Abilitors are smart and need to be kept isolated or they become a danger when working together. This one will do nicely in my round." The silver haired man said.

"Wait, what?" Smii7y asked. The two rich men stepped aside as three guards came in and grabbed Smii7y. He wrestled with the guards, but they easily overpowered him. The thin man walked up to Smii7y and looked down at him. He put a cold thumb between Smii7y's brows, which Smii7y thought was weird. A cold wave spread down his body to each of his fingers and all the way down to his toes. He felt like he was pushed out of his body and was now watching from the sidelines.

"He is quite powerful." The man said. His eyes glowed a sickly green.

"You're an abilitor?!" Riser asked with shock.

The man chuckled, "Anyone can get into the hobby. My ability only works on other abilitors, so it makes me more powerful to control them."

"If you're an abilitor, I can't let you leave." Riser said sternly.

"I was hoping you'd say that. Let's see what this abilitor can do." The man smirked at Smii7y. Smii7y felt cold around his wrists. The ability-blocking cuffs started to develop frost on the metal. They grew so cold they crumbled away like sand. The scary part was that he didn't tell himself to do that. He tried to use his ability, but his body wouldn't respond.

The guards that were holding him suddenly let go with pained yells. One took off his glove, and his hand was black with frostbite. "Let us leave, Riser. I'd hate to do more damage to your facility." The man smiled. Smii7y walked forward menacingly.

"Never! You're not leaving, Neo." Riser hissed. More guards piled into the room with their weapons drawn.

"Then the fun way it is." The man named Neo said. Smii7y saw everything he did. Each guard being frozen in place, impaled on large spikes of ice, or having such bad frostbite, their limbs had already fallen off. Smii7y could barely watch himself brutally murder these men without any control. Ice covered the walls of the facility. The air was so cold that any moisture in the air froze, so it was almost snowing.

Now he stood over Riser. Smii7y's fingers tingled with power, ready to kill the man at his feet. He tried to fight it, but it was useless. Neo walked over. "This could've ended differently, Riser." Neo said. He had his hands behind his back like he wasn't even bothered he just made Smii7y slaughter dozens of men, "We're done here."

Smii7y's hand clenched, and he was about to demand an ice spike to pierce the heart of the man at his feet. "Wait! There are more!" Riser said. Smii7y stopped.

"More?" Neo asked.

"Yes! Yes! I had more super powerful abilitors! I c-can help you catch them!" Riser said quickly.

"I'm assuming they're the ones that escaped." Neo said.

"Yes. They are all incredibly powerful. I know how to catch them." Riser said.

Neo rolled his eyes. Smii7y controlled an ice spike below Riser, and it went through his heart, instantly killing him. "I'm sure I do too, and I won't let them escape." Neo smiled at the dead man. Neo turned, and Smii7y's feet followed. "You're a powerful one. I think I'll keep you around for a while." Neo said.

Smii7y was forced to make a clear path for Neo to the garage. Smii7y was finally outside, but he was more trapped than he ever was before. There was a black limousine parked outside. Snow fell from the gray clouds above. A chauffeur opened the back door for Neo. Smii7y was forced to go in the vehicle first and sat down. He was told to stay still for however long Neo wanted him to. He tried to fight it, but he couldn't get anything in his body to listen.

"Don't fight it, Smii7y. It will only tire you conscious, and if you do that, you could lose control forever. I'm in control. You seem like a great guy, so I'd hate to lose that part of you." Neo said to him. Neo grabbed a glass of champagne that was offered on his left. "Enjoy the ride Smii7y".

Word Count: 777

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