Chapter 9 - Kryoz

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Kryoz looked up at the dull clouds above. Large snowflakes came down like clumps of cotton. This snowstorm was odd to Kryoz because he couldn't feel it. The clouds had just appeared and started snowing. It wasn't even winter. "You good Kryoz?" Eli asked.

"Something is off about this storm. I think it was created." Kryoz answered. Eli looked up.

"Like from an abilitor?" Eli asked.

Kryoz froze. He only knew one abilitor who could control the cold. "We have to get Byze!" Kryoz said urgently. He ran back to the others.

"Wait, what? Kryoz!" Eli said, sprinting after him.

Kryoz came up to everyone else. They were also questioning the odd weather. "Byze! It's Smii7y. I think something is wrong! These clouds didn't appear out of nowhere."

Byze looked around, "Maybe it is just a coincidence."

"Eli and I can go check it out." Tucker offered.

"Fine. But don't go inside this time." Byze said.

Eli touched Tucker's shoulder, and they both turned into birds. They flew off. "There you guys are." Said a familiar voice. Kryoz turned around and saw Nogla, Grizzy, Flom, and Droid.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kryoz snapped.

"Chill, bro. We are here to help." Grizzy responded.

"I have news on your friend, Smii7y." Nogla said.

"What is it?" Puffer asked.

"Wait. How do you know?" Kryoz asked harshly.

"He's alright." Nogla said, "My ability allows me to talk to other ablitors in their sleep. He said that Riser was setting up a trap using him as bait."

"We figured that much out." Blarg added.

"Well, we want to help you guys bust him out." Flom responded.

"It will help to have more abilitors on your side." Droid said.

"Thank you. We can use all the help we can get." Byze nodded.

There was a flutter of wings as two birds landed on the ground. Tucker and Eli changed out of the bird forms. "We have a problem." Tucker said.

"It's not good." Eli said, "Oh hey guys." Eli waved at Nogla's group.

"What happened?" Kryoz exclaimed.

"You guys have to see it to believe it." Tucker said. He started to lead them through the forest. They came up to the facility.

"What are you doing?!" Byze asked.

"There's no one here. Well, there is, but they aren't here." Eli said. They walked towards the building. A cold mist hung over the building.

"It's freezing here." Droid said while rubbing his arms.

"It's Smii7y's ability." Kryoz said.

"I fear that." Byze said. They walked into the parking garage.

"There's ice everywhere. Did he escape?" Blarg asked.

"If he did, then wouldn't he be around here?" Flom asked.

"We thought the same thing, but we couldn't find him." Tucker answered. They walked inside, where ice covered every surface.

"What the hell happened?" Puffer asked.

"I say someone pissed Smii7y off." Blarg said.

"It gets worse." They came around the corner and saw the first body. A guard was impaled on an ice spike. There was no way Smii7y would've done that.

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