Chapter 13 - Kryoz

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"Shit! I lost him!" Nogla said all of a sudden. His eyes flew open like he was startled.

"What do you mean?" Kryoz asked urgently.

"I had him for a few seconds, but Neo caught on. He interrupted Smii7y's consciousness, breaking him from my ability." Nogla explained, "I doubt he'll let Smii7y get into a deep enough sleep so I can contact him again."

"So what do we do? We can't just leave him there." Blarg asked.

"No. We aren't. Even if we can't contact Smii7y, it doesn't mean that we just give up on him." Kryoz snapped, "We'll come up with a plan."

"That's the thing. Smii7y said he found out Neo's weakness." Nogla said.

Grizzy gasped, "What?"

Nogla shook his head, "I dunno. I lost him before he could tell me."

"Damn." Droid mumbled.

"Let's just bust these abilitors out, and then we can come up with a plan like Kryoz said." Tucker said.

"Stick to the plan, and we can be in and out." Byze said. He started to take the lead to the facility, but odd purple tendrils appeared from the ground and wrapped around his wrists. "What the hell?!" Byze yelled.

Nogla seemed to recognize the tendrils. "Hurry! Run! Don't let her catch you!" He yelled. Kryoz was thoroughly confused and frozen.

"Fuck!" Grizzy shouted as a tendril wrapped around his leg and he fell to the ground. Kryoz snapped himself out of his shock and looked around for the source of the tendrils.

"Kryoz! Run! Neo can't get your ability!" Nogla said, running up to him.

"This is Neo?" Kryoz asked urgently.

"It's worse! Come on!" He said as he started to push Kryoz to run. They ran around trees and sprinted through bushes. He heard Blarg shout somewhere in the distance. Nogla suddenly tripped behind Kryoz.

"Nogla!" Kryoz stopped to try and help him up but purple ropes weaved their way around his body.

"Keep going Kryoz! Don't let her get you!" Nogla said urgently.

"I'm not leaving you behind!" Kryoz snapped.

"Just go! It's better if one of us escapes then none of us!" Nolga shouted back. Kryoz bit the inside of his cheek but turned on his heel and ran. He was suddenly brought to a halt by something catching his wrist. A purple strand had shot out of a nearby tree and wrapped itself tightly around his arm.

"And that is ten captured overabilitors." Said a woman coming up to Kryoz with a dagger in her hands. Her eyes glowed purple like the tendrils. She was in all black clothing with black hair and thick eyeliner. She wore a leather jacket with silver chains hanging out of the pockets.

Lightning started to arc around Kryoz's arm. She was the one controlling the purple ropes. If Kryoz could shock her, everyone might be let go. He was about to send the volts at her but another tendril twisted out of a tree and wound tightly around his arm. "You are powerful abilitors. Neo will be very happy." She grinned.

"Let me go!" Kryoz demanded. He pulled on his restraints but they were very strong for only being the thickness of yarn.

"Maybe another time." She smirked, "Round them all up! I want each one secured tightly and correctly!"

Several scruffy men came out of the trees and started to come towards Kryoz. Kryoz let lightning arc across his body as a warning not to touch him or they'd get a face of 10,000 volts. "Chill, sparky. Smii7y is already on thin ice with Neo. I'd hate for anything to happen to him if you misbehave." The woman said as she tested the point of the dagger with her index finger, "You hurt my guys, I hurt yours."

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