Part two to the zombie ones but y/n is alive

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After the zombies attacked us we left the city for a while, went two a new base and did some brainstorming. Our brainstorms led to the conclusion that someone would have to go back into the city to see what was happening.

"I'll go" I splutter out.

But was met with multiple no's


"Not a chance"


"I wanna go I'm never gonna see this again"

"You almost died last time Y/N" Clint reminds me.

"Really? I didn't know that!" I say sarcastically

"What if me and Y/N went?" Clint says turning to face Tony

"PLEASE!!" I beg at Tony.

"Look fine ok? But if anyone's hurt come back immediately" he says as he lets out a frustrated sigh.

I go to high five Clint and then am told to change into a more hidden outfit. I wear a military style jacket and pants, a green t-shirt and black leather boots. Badass ik right

I meet Clint in the garage where we'd take the car since we can't really rock up in a spaceship again plus there's only two of us.

"You excited kid?" He asks

"Really excited, stuff like this we're never gonna get the chance to see it again" I tell him.

He chuckles

We make it to the city expecting zombies everywhere but surprisingly theres none?

"Maybe their sleeping?"

Clint's turns around and gives me the "what the fuck" look.

We carry on until Clint turns a corner to an abandoned shop. He breaks the door and steps inside, I step in after and set my back down on a wooden table in the middle of the room.

"This is our lookout spot ok? We're staying the night here ,now if we're going to stay together there's ground rules ok, rule number 1 if we're ever in trouble, crawl into the little hole in the wall and stay there. Rule number two-


A man with black long hair crashes through a secret door in the shop and goes to attack Clint. I remember what Clint said, but I grab my bag off the table and I crawl into the hole and stay hidden. I hear them grunting and then hear the sound of Clint struggling.

I debate on getting my gun out which I do end up doing because the dude has Clint on chokehold. I step out of the hole quietly and the man has his back faced towards me. Perfect. Once I'm close enough I line up my target and pull the trigger


1 shot in the back

"Oh my god" I mutter as I look at the man struggling on the floor.

Clint's eyes meet mine as he coughs and I start to shake a little bit.

He sits up and look at me.

"You need to go behind the wall"

"NO" the man cries out

"Now kid" he demands

I turn away as the man screams for my help. I crawl through the gap and I hear the man scream before a shot. He's dead. I try to wipe the tears on my face as fast as I could, not wanting to look like a pussy

"Kid? You can come out now" Clint tells me.

I crawl out of the hole and he expresses immediate concern

"You ok?" He asks quietly

"I just ... i don't know how the world is ending like this" I say with a chuckle as I meet his eyes.

"I know kid, I know"

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