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I hear a knock on the front door from the kitchen and I look over at the clock. Whoever it is, must know I don't have anything better to do other than watch supernatural at 3am or is a serial killer who knows I'm always home alone.

I open the door anyways, "Hey." He says but his demeanour is different. He seems... off.

"Hey, Connor." I greet, letting him inside. He comes in, immediately making himself at home by taking his shoes and jacket off.

He sits himself at the island in the kitchen, bringing his palms to his face. "What's wrong?" I ask in a soft voice.

"Hannah. We got into an argument, I didn't feel like being there at all so I left." He says in a bored and tired tone. He seems worn out. His story makes sense due to his appearance. Sweat pants and a t-shirt on, his hair messy, and dark circles under his eyes.

I thought he still looked adorable.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask referring to the argument him and his fiancée got into. "Can we just forget about it and go watch Netflix until we fall asleep please?" He says with a sigh and looking at me questionably. I nod while turning to get to the pantry.

He's still sitting at the island and I gesture towards my room, "Go pick something to watch, I got the snacks." I say and put the popcorn in the microwave.

I hear him get up and walk away and I get a bowl from one of the cabinets with the sound of popping in the background of my thoughts.

I couldn't help but wonder what happened with him and Hannah, why he didn't at least want to talk about it since it was bad enough for him to leave at this time of night.

Most importantly, I wondered why he came to see me. He has guy friends - ones who have more experience and who'll probably give better relationship advice - yet he came to see me. I was probably getting my hopes up but a part of me hoped he liked my presence as much as I loved his.


I managed to carry a bowl with popcorn, a tin of altiods, two cups filled to the rim, a baggie of gummy bears, and a pack of frosted sugar cookies without dropping anything.

He sees me as I enter my room and helps by grabbing the popcorn and a cup. He placed the popcorn on the bed, and I placed everything besides my drink down and took a sip from my cup. Pleased with the taste of the sprite-tequila-cherry concoction, I put my cup on the nightstand.

Connor took a drink as well and hums in response. "What is this?" He asks, taking another drink. "Its sprite, tequila, and cherry grenadine. I figured you'd probably want alcohol so..." I say and drag out the end.

"You figured correctly." He says taking yet another drink. I sit on the bed, opposite side of him.

We've watched movies and such while sitting on the same bed, we've even slept on the same bed, and I just will never get used to it. I always move as far away from him as possible because if I didn't, I'd get distracted to say the least.

I had a king bed in my room, so we weren't that close to each other. Plus all the food was between us. "Is American Horror Story alright?" He asks with the remote in his hand.

"When is it not?" I ask and he chuckles and I smile at the fact I made him laugh.

He presses play and gets up to turn off the light in the room and switched on the stand up lamp in the corner of the bedroom. He came back to sit down amd moved around until he was comfortable. I munched away on popcorn as the titles started and he ate his gummy bears.

After a few minutes he holds the bag in front of me, "Want some?" He asks while glancing at me. I shake my head as a no. "No thanks." I say and continue eating the popcorn.

"You're legitimately the only human being who despises gummy bears." He says while stuffing a handful in his mouth. "At least I don't have an obsession and I don't necessarily despise them, I just don't like them." I counter, turning away from Sister Jude singing The Name Game.

"I do not have an obsession." He says and I scoff. "I'm surprised you, yourself, haven't morphed into a gummy bear and changed your ringtone to the gummy bear song." I say and turn back to the TV.

"It used to be my ringtone but then I got weird looks in public..." He says quietly. "Gee, I wonder why. A 22 year old male who has his ringtone set as a song about being a yummy gummy bear, that's not weird." I say and laugh slightly.

"Its like my theme song so I thought why not make it my ringtone." He says and laughs as well.

"I do not have an obsession." I mock.

"It's better than having a mint fetish." He says and shakes the altiod tin so the mints rattle in the container. "Yeah, but mint and altiods are great." I state.

"Gummy bears are great."

"But I admit to having a mint fetish. You don't admit that you love gummy bears more than Napoleon Dynamite loves tater tots." I argue since its true. He refuses to say that he has a problem with gummy bears.

"If I admit it, will this conversation be over?" He asks.



At this rate, it was 4:49am and I yawned for probably the tenth time. "I can turn this off and we can sleep?" He questions and I quickly shake my head as a no. "You can keep watching, I'll just lay down." I whisper and move to get under the covers.

Connor turns off the TV immediately after I get comfortable and turns off the lamp in the corner. He moves all the extra snacks to the dresser and lays under the covers with me.

I couldn't really sleep while facing him so I turned around to face away from his burning gaze. Once I've almost drifted back to sleep, I can feel and hear him move closer then I feel his arms wrap around me. "Why do you always scoot as far away from me as possible any time we're sitting or laying down somewhere?" He asks, whispering in my ear.

I hoped he didn't notice the goosebumps along my skin or when I slightly gulped. "I-I don't know." I stutter a bit trying to think of something believable. I absolutely hated the fact that he had this much control over me.

He hums. "You and I both know why." He says, barely above a whisper. "Enlighten me then, Connor." I say.

"You're head over heals in love with me."


a/n so I changed the face claim of Noelle so its Danielle Nieto now...


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