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He played Star Trek.

A small smile peeked through on my cheeks as I glanced over at him. He was softly smiling as the movie began. I unraveled the folded blanket that I kept on the arm of the couch and played it across me, making myself more comfortable.

"Maybe I'm cold too." He says quietly in a childish voice. "You're gonna have to scoot closer then, its a small blanket." I say, keeping my eyes on the TV.

I felt him scoot closer and I covered him up. Once we were situated and comfortable, he had his arm wrapped around me and my legs were over his.

It was quiet as we were getting into the movie, regardless of the fact that we both had seen it dozens of times.

Halfway in, it was obvious Connor lost interest.

"Why doesn't any alien chick say 'oh, get your dick out of my ear' to Kirk? Do they all have the same reproductive system? If so, that'd be equally disappointing and creepy." He commented.

I sighed and shushed him. He leaned his head back on the couch and his Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed.

Why did I find his neck so attractive?

I oddly still wasn't over the schoolgirl crush I had on him, even after dating someone else. Then again, my mini fling with Wesley didn't last long and we didn't necessarily get to really know each other.

We had shared our favorite movies, favorite foods, and pet peeves but we never knew each other long enough to know one anothers habits, weird ticks, or how we reacted to certain situations.

"Why are you staring at me?" Connor suddenly asks, lifting an eyebrow. I snap out of my daze and shake my head slightly. "I just zoned out, sorry." I say, adverting my gaze to the TV.

"You do that a lot, you know that right?"

"I do. You point that out each time." I say mindlessly. He lifts my chin to force my gaze back on him.

The last thing I expected was for him to gently press his lips against mine.

I was shocked, I widened my eyes to see that his were closed.

I couldn't move, I couldn't even match the movement of his lips.

It was as if as soon as I regained the idea of what was going on and closed my eyes, we would be in sync and then I would become so breathless and have to pull away for a split second.

Each time I pulled away, he only deepened the kiss to the point where we were needy. I tangled my fingers in his soft hair.

It all happened so fast.

Our clothes were soon on the floor, our breathing was uneven and our heartbeats weren't constant. Despite the mess and irregularities of it all, it was the most perfect night.

We just lost ourselves in the moment, not caring about anything but the way it felt to be so close to each other.


"Flying first class, up in the sky..." I heard from my phone and furrowed my eyebrows.

What even happened last night?

I answer it to hear Julian voice. "Did you like the ringtone I picked out for you? I found it befitting." Is the first thing I hear.

"You changed my ringtone?" I ask.

Realization soon hits me like a slap in the face and I look around my room. My clothes were all over the floor, the sheets were messed up, and Connor was no where to be seen.

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